What is the purpose of the immune system?
Protects your body from harmful pathogens
What are the four organisms that cause communicable disease?
Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
What is cancer?
An uncontrollable growth of an abnormal mass in the body
How many ribs does a human skeleton have?
Which direction does the sun rise?
What is the function of white blood cells?
They fight off infections and attack pathogens that enter the body
List three ways you can prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
Cover your mouth/nose when you sneeze or cough, wash your hands, and clean/disinfect certain areas
What is the difference between a heart attack and a stroke?
Heart attack = When blood flow to the heart is blocked/interrupted
Stroke = When blood flow to the brain is interrupted
What is the largest land animal?
What is the chemical symbol for gold?
What is the difference between the functions of lymphocytes and phagocytes?
Phagocytes = Engulfs pathogens and is the first line of defense
Lymphocytes = includes B cells and T cells
What are antibiotics actually effective against?
Effective against bacteria, not viruses
What is blood pressure and how is it measured?
Which musician holds the most grammys of all time?
What is the longest bone in the human body?
What is the difference between antibodies and antigens?
Antibodies = Proteins produced by B cells which target antigens
How do immunizations work?
They expose your body to a harmless part of a pathogen and help build immunity
Stimulates antibody production without actually causing disease
What are histamines?
Chemicals your body releases during an allergic reaction.
How many great lakes are there?
What is the capital of Texas?
What is the main difference between an infection and disease?
An infection occurs when pathogens enter the body and multiply, while a disease is the RESULT of the infection causing symptoms and harm
Why don't you get chicken pox more than once?
Your body creates memory cells to remember the virus and responds quicker to attack
What is the acronym for a stroke that we talked about briefly in class?
FAST = Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, Time to call emergency services
What is the most populous country on Earth?
How many muscles in the human body?