This is known as a locked jaw
if your horse is not Vaccinated is will get this
colic is when a part of the gastrointestinal tract moves into an abnormal position within the abdomen
It’s a fatal viral disease that affects the central nervous system of horses.
what is another name for tetanus
lock jaw
This is known as abdominal pain
It is very rare
The neurotoxins affect nerves and interfere with the ability of the horse's muscles to relax
west nile virus
weakness in the limbs, depression, muscle twitching, lack of coordination, and more.
is rabies always fatal
This is caused By fungus
Caused by mosquitoe
west nile virus
Lameness is when a horse has abnormal gait that looks like the horse is limping on one foot or more. That foot is the foot that hurts and makes the horse put less pressure on the hoof that is in pain.
Equine Influenza
fever, nasal discharge, hacking coughs, depression, and secondary viruses.
can rabies spread animals to humans
Insects on the horse's coat
strains of influenza A
euqine influenza
Affected horses often develop girth itch, characterized by circular patches of hair loss and crusty, scaly lesions that form where the girth rubs against the skin. Ringworm can affect horses of all ages, although younger horses and those with compromised immune systems are more susceptible.
Equine infectious anemia
fever, decreased appetite, sudden death, swollen limbs, rapid breathing, and rapid heart rate.
Horse with mild founder can live for longer
true or false
This makes the hoof inflame
blood sucking insect
Equine infectious anemia
Horses with mild founder can live long, productive lives if they are managed appropriately. Proper diet and hoof management play a key role in the long-term health of a horse after founder. Severe cases of horse laminitis can result in irreversible changes within the hoof causing life-long lameness.
can cause inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
What is strangle's characterized by
It’s characterized by swollen lymph nodes in the upper respiratory tract