Where are aneurysms primarily found at ?
Cerebral arteries
What are some underlying causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia?
inadequate dietary intake of iron, inability of the body to absorb iron, intestinal bleeding, heavy menstruation, colon cancer, and bleeding ulcers.
what is arteriosclerosis ?
The hardening of the arteries and the surrounding tissues gradually gets replaced by fibrous tissue and calcification
What is the major sign of Arteriosclerosis?
The major sign is Hypertension.
what are some symptoms of anemia?
Fatigue,light-headed,difficulty breathing .
What is the treatment of choice in severe aplastic anemia?
Bone marrow transplant is the severe treatment choice.
what is it called when the heart is inflamed from a infection?
When a patient with Cerebral Aneurysm cannot withstand surgical treatment, what treatment will they undergo instead?
A conservative treatment is indicated. This involves bed rest for four to six weeks; avoidance of coffee, other stimulants, and aspirin; analgesics as needed; a hypotensive drug if there is hypertension; corticosteroids to reduce edema; a drug to delay blood clot destruction; and sedatives to reduce stress.
What is Atherosclerosis Characterized by?
It is characterized by the deposit of fatty material along the linings of the arteries
what does high levels of triglyceride mean?
warning sign of heart disease
What causes a murmur
valve damage that causes the contractions or the relaxation phases of the heart to make a sound
What are the symptoms of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm?
Patient may experience a tearing or ripping sensation accompanied by chest pain, pallor, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, loss of pulses below the neck, and other symptoms.
what is blood pressure greater than 140/90 considered?
What is a way to prevent the rupture of a blood vessel when a patient experiences hypertension from a disease like arteriosclerosis?
Reducing blood pressure with medications
what are the warning signs of a stroke
difficulty speaking,blurred vision,face drooping ,severe headache and more
Where on a patient is Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm detectable?
It is detectable on palpation as a pulsating mass in an area around the umbilicus (navel).
.When a patient has Blood loss due to Anemia ,they can lose blood volume to over %40.What is the first thing the patient needs if this happens?
The patient will die unless blood volume is immediately replaced.
how do people get sickle cell anemia
it is an inherited disease
what is a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)?
a stroke
how can we treat contrary artery disease?
commonly treated with medicines and angioplasty
what is a myocardial infarction
a heart attack
What should a patient do when Angina pain persists 10 minutes after taking 3 sublingual tablets?
The patient should go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room.
What does Arrhythmia that produces extra beats, delayed beats, or missed beats often result from?
It often results from caffeine, amphetamine, or a medication reaction and can usually be treated by removing the causative factor.
Why is Cardiac Arrest rapidly fatal?
Because it produces irreversible brain damage after 5 mins.
what is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
disease in which the walls of the ventricles of the heart are markedly thickened, sometimes to three times their normal width