Another two-word name for disinformation.
What is "fake news"?
Why does Nerbert create fake news?
To make money
What is the remedy suggested to cure all diseases in the book?
Drinking Shampoo.
Explain confirmation bias
When we already believe something, our brains pay attention to anything that confirms our beliefs.
Name one strategy to figure out what is fake news.
1) Think critically, especially if it makes you upset.
2) Check your sources
3) Look for real journalists, reporters and fact checkers.
4) Look for credible news sources
True or False. Disinformation has been around a long time.
What is True! It has always been around.
Why does Noola create fake news?
To make money and get famous.
What does Galbinus do when doctors protest his remedy as unhealthy, and even harmful?
He attacks doctors.
Explain why fears cause fake news to grow.
The fake news gives us simple explanations to help us understand our fears.
Give one website that might help you figure out if a story is false.
The thing that has caused disinformation to spread more rapidly.
What is the internet?
What kind of headlines does Noola use to get attention?
What does the factory owner do in so he doesn't have to clean up his pollution?
He hires a fake expert to write an article about how pollution doesn't exist.
Why do people avoid looking up all the facts?
Looking up the facts takes time and effort.
Names three kinds of people the book says you should trust more than others.
Reporters and experts who CITE THEIR SOURCES.
Scientists who study something for years.
Something important that is happening in the world right now.
What is news?
Why does Candidate Milson create fake news?
To gain power and undermine Candidate Fmith.
What dangerous thing does Candidate Milson say to make sure he gets elected?
He accuses Mr. Fmith of pinching puppies.
What is one strategy used in fake news to help us believe it?
They add in tiny bits of truth. (Like that soap is made of chemicals.)
True or False. You only need to read the headlines to understand what is happening.
False. Reading the headlines alone is not enough.
Where can you find fake news?
Social media, articles on phones and tablets, some newspapers, radio and TV. Almost anywhere you get news!
What is a strategy to keep from sharing fake news?
Pause and think about how you feel and why you want to react and share it. Research before you share!
What is one thing you can do to keep fake news from blowing up?
Check your feelings and sources. (If you are outraged, you should check your sources.)
True or False: It's easy to explain to family and friends why you don't believe the fake news.
False. It is really hard to disagree with friends and family who believe fake news.
The most important skill for fighting disinformation and fakes news.
Being aware of your emotions and not acting on them first.