What does Hakuna Matata?
No worries
What Park is Tower of terror at
Hollywood Studios
You wants thingamabobs…..
I’ve Got twenty
What movie has a bear name Balloo in it
The Jungle Book
What ride is supposed to mimic Hang Gliding
What Song plays in Splash Mountain
I’m never gonna catch my breathe
Say goodbye…..
to those who knew me
Why did Mulan fight in the War?
Because her father was old and sick
How many fingers does Mickey Mouse have
Fastest Ride?
Test Track
Arranged a heart to heart
Kings don’t need advice
From little hornbills for a start
What Disney movie had a young girl in it and takes place in Hawaii
Lilo and Stitich
Life isn’t fair is it?
The Lion King
Tallest Ride
Expedition Everest
What is Flynn Riders Real name
Lingering in the ocean blue. And if I had one wish come true
I’d surf till the sun sets beyond the horizon
Remember who you are
The Lion King
What direction does the sparkle go over the castle? Is there a train? Which way is the train going if there is one? Which way does the first Fire Work go?
Right to left, yes, Right, Right
What is the Smallest Disney Park
Magic Kingdom
You just remember..
What your old pal said
In a faraway land a young prince lived in a shiny castle, although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled
Beauty and The Beast