Can You Guess The Disney Movies From Emojis
Princess and the frog
What does Hakuna Matata mean?
No worries
Which character in Frozen like warm hugs?
Can You Guess The Disney Movies From Emojis?
The Lion king
What is the name of Trevor Noah's memoir we read at the start of the year?
Born a Crime
Can You Guess The Disney Movies From Emojis
What is the name of the main character (human girl) in Inside Out?
This movie is about a super hero family
Can You Guess The Disney Movies From Emojis?
Chicken little
What language does Ms. Vinnedge speak aside from English?
Can You Guess The Disney Movies From Emojis
What was Ray in Princess and the Frog?
Where did Jasmine and Aladdin meet?
In the marketplace or the remate/swapmeet
Keywords: fear, disgust, anger, joy, sadness
Inside Out
What job would Ms. Vinnedge have if she did not teach?
A professional thrifter/antique dealer
Can You Guess The Disney Movies From Emojis?
Lady and the tramp
What creature is Ursula?
Sea witch/octopus
What does Tiana, from the princess and the frog, do for a living?
Can You Guess The Disney Movies From Emojis?
The emperor's new groove
Name the 4 seasons
Can You Guess The Disney Movies From the emoji description
pumpkin, ball, clock striking midnight.
What is the name of Moana's helper/sidekick in Moana?
What does Elsa build in the Frozen clip we watched for our lesson on symbolism?
An ice castle.
Can You Guess The Disney Movies From Emojis?
Winnie the pooh
What holiday is coming up?
Memorial Day