What does rapunzel what to see on her birthday
The Floating lights
What does hakuna matara mean
No worries
What is Bambis best friends name
What animal does Merida’s mom turn into
A Bear
What city does Big Hero Six Take place in
San Fransoxoyo
What name does Mulan pick when she becomes a man
What is the first and last name of the woman who makes the suits for the incredibles
Edna Mode
Who was the first Disney princess
Snow white
What high school does High Musical take place
East high
What shoe did Cinderella leave at the ball
Where does Aladdin take place
Who trained Hercules on how to be a hero
Philoctetes aka Phil
What are the names of the seven dwarfs in Snow White
Doc Grumpy Happy Sleepy Bashful Sneezey and Dopey
How many sisters does Ariel have
What is the name of the Jonas Brothers band in Camp rock
Connect Three
What are the names of Cinderella stepsisters
Anastasia and Drizella
What animal does Moana grandma take the form of when she dies
Manta ray or sting ray
How many of the dwarfs have beards
Whaat is the full name of the princess in the princess diaries
Amelia Migonette Thermopolis Renaldi
What Disney villain has two “fools idiot and imbeciles” for sidekicks
Cruella De Vill
Which Disney movie has the most songs
Alice in wonderland
What are the names of the good Faries in sleeping beauty
Flora fauna and Merryweather
Where does Monsters Inc take place
What is Boo real name
Mary Gibbs
What Disney movie first came from a Disney park ride
Tower of Terror