This princess loses a glass slipper.
This villain is from Sleeping Beauty and can turn into a dragon.
"No, I am your father"
Darth Vader
Let it Go
The Mascot of Disney.
Mickey Mouse
This princess lived with 7 dwarfs.
Snow White
This villain is also the Greek god of the dead
Han Solo was captain of this ship.
The Millenium Falcon
Circle of Life
The Lion King
This lost boy lives on the island of Neverland.
Peter Pan
This princess has long hair that gets cut at the end of her movie.
This villain killed his brother saying, "long live the king."
This planet was home to Luke when he lived with his aunt and uncle.
Part of Your World
The Little Mermaid
Originally named Experiment 626, this character befriends a girl named Lilo.
This princess is a gifted cook living in New Orleans during the Jazz Age, with dreams of opening a restaurant of her own.
Princess Tiana
This villain, also named after this playing card has a rose garden in Alice in Wonderland.
Queen of Hearts
The year that the first Star Wars movie was released.
How Far I'll Go
His catchphrase is "To infinity and BEYOND!"
Buzz Lightyear
This princess is from France and associated with a rose.
This villain is a pirate who is afraid of a ticking alligator.
Captain Hook
In this movie Obi-Wan says, "Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them."
A New Hope
The Bare Necessities
The Jungle Book
This character lived with gorillas most of his life.