why was beast cursed
he refused shelter to old woman
what did jafar trap jasmine in
how does flynn and Rapanzel escape the underwater cave
rapanzels hair leads the way
how many thingamabobs does ariel have
where does moana live
the name of belles horse
what is aladdins prince name
prince ali of ababwa
what does valdmir collect
ceramic unicorns
what happens when flounder and ariel search the ship
a shark chases them
what hairstyle does moana wear when fighting teka
a bun
where was belle not supposed to go
the west wing
what was jasmines punishment for stealing
cut off her hand
what is the name of the bar rapunzel and flynn go to
the snuggling duckling
which actors appears on screen first
king triton
where does moana grandmother say maui lives
under the fishook constellation
what is the first song sung
what was geines first sentence
10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck
what symbol causes rapunzel to regain her memory
the sun
what does ursala say is rude when she meets ariel
lurking in doorways
what same traits does moana have as her dad
stubbornness and pride
what book does belle read to the beast
romeo and juliet
what was jafars second wish
to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world
what is the magical flower gold
sundrop flower
what is ariel fascinated by when going in town with eric
a puppet show
what are the names of moanas parents
tui and sina