In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, this poisoned food item causes Snow White to fall into a deep sleep.
What is an apple?
Who says "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun."
Who is Mary Poppins?
Horse with an extreme amount of loyalty to his royal master, but he also happens to be a very dramatic character.
Who is Maximus?
In The Princess and the Frog, this song is sung by Dr. Facilier as he uses dark magic to tempt Naveen and Lawrence
What is "Friends on the Other Side"?
Jealous of brother
Who is Scar?
In Alice in Wonderland, this treat causes Alice to grow and shrink after she takes a bite.
What is a mushroom?
This character says, 'I’m bad, and that’s good. I will never be good, and that’s not bad.'"
Who is Ralph?
Talking llama who’s surprisingly good at sarcasm and has an intense dislike for evil emperors."
Who is Kuzco?
In Mulan, this song features the line, 'Let's get down to business to defeat the Huns.' It’s sung during the training montage.
What is "I'll Make a Man Out of You"?
Dumb guy, desires smart girl
Who is Gaston
In Beauty and the Beast, this food item is served by the enchanted staff to Belle as part of a grand dinner in the Beast's castle.
What is beast’s feast or gray stuff?
("Try the gray stuff, it's delicious!")
Who says "Some people are worth melting for."
Who is Olaf?
Loyal and brave dog who is also unbelievably good at keeping track of everyone's adventures.
Who is Nana?
In Pocahontas, this song features a powerful line by Pocahontas: 'If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew.'
What is "Colors of the Wind"?
Has bad break-up and decides to take revenge on his offspring
Who is Maleficent?
In The Princess and the Frog, Tiana dreams of opening her own restaurant, and she is most famous for serving this dish, which she prepares for Prince Naveen.
What is gumbo?
This character says, 'It's all part of the plan, and by 'plan,' I mean 'no plan.'
Who is Kuzco?
Slow-moving sloth who works at the DMV and, unsurprisingly, isn’t the fastest when it comes to processing paperwork.
Who is Flash?
This song from The Hunchback of Notre Dame reflects Quasimodo's desire for acceptance
What is "Out There"?
Kidnaps child
Who is Mother Gothel
In The Lion King, this dish is part of Timon and Pumbaa’s 'Hakuna Matata' lifestyle, which they offer to Simba.
What are grubs?
This character says, 'You were my new dream.'
Who is Flynn Rider?
Guy who questions his sexuality throughout the movie
Li Shang
Song from Tarzan sung by Phil Collins
What is "You'll Be in My Heart"?
Has beef with 'kids'
Who is Captain Hook