On the show Good Luck Charlie" whose idea was it to make video diaries for their baby sister?
What movie had a wildcat for its mascot?
High School Musical
My nose grows when I lie
I never grow up
Peter Pan
What does "Hakuna Matata" mean from the Lion King
No worries
This Show is based on 4 kids who get a new nanny that becomes their best friend. What show is it?
Which princess lives in a tower?
My home is the Jolly Roger
Captain Hook
I brush my hair with a fork
What movie is the hit song " You got a friend in me" from
On " The Suite life on Deck" which twin works at the smoothie bar?
Where did the seven dwafs work in?
Diamond mine
My best friend is a monkey
Mickey Mouse is my owner
What movie was "Can you feel the love tonight" in?
In "Wizards of Waverly Place" what are the parents name?
Jerry & Theresa
Who is the fashion designer for the Incredibles?
Edna Mode
I thought i was a real space ranger
Buzz Lightyear
Im the son of Zeus and very strong
What movie is this song line from," I wish i could be the perfect daughter but I come back to the water"?
Who is Miley Stewart (Hannah Montana) godmother?
Dolly Parton
What are the 3 things needed to fly, according to Peter Pan?
Faith, trust, and pixie dust
My top is made of rubber, my bottom is made of springs
I was an ally cat that found a home
Thomas O Malley
What shows theme song is " Best of both worlds"
Hannah Montana