Where did Vannelope and Ralph go to auction the steering wheel for Sugar Rush in the internet?
What is Mr. Fredrickson's wife's name?
What is the name of Lewis's future wife?
What are Ian and Barley's species?
What is the name of Violet's crush?
Tony Rydinger
According to Felix and Calhoun, how many children did they adopt from Sugar Rush to spice up their family?
15 children
Name the four living things that were in Paradise Falls.
Mr. Fredrickson; Russell; Doug; Kevin
What is the name of Lewis's roommate and best friend at the orphanage?
Michael "Goob" Yagoobian
In the Manitcore's Tavern which turned into a restaurant, what is the Manticore's name?
What is the last name of Winston and Evelyn's last name at DevTech?
What is the lady's name in which she helped make money for Vannelope and Ralph to buy the steering wheel?
Name the 3 dogs who were catching Kevin when she made her first appearance in the movie.
Alpha; Beta; Gamma
What is did Lewis enter when he was at the orphanage?
A Science Fair
What is the name of the path where Barley wanted to go to make the journey that they went on a quest.
The Path Apparel
How many powers does Jack-Jack have?
17 powers
In the website Oh My Disney, when she is running away from the stormtroopers, who does Vannelope bump into accidentally?
Stan Lee
What is the name of the ice cream place where Russell and his dad love to go after Russell's sweat lodge meetings?
Fenton's Ice Cream
What is Lewis's real name and full name?
Cornelius Robinson
What is the gem called in which Ian and Barley needed to see their father again?
A Phoenix Gem
When the Incredibles got arrested for saving the city, how long did they have to stay in the motel?
2 weeks
In Slaughter Race, what is the name of the skinny guy who burns up Dirty Socks and BabeRahamLincoln?
In what country is Paradise Falls in?
What is Lewis's motto in the future when he gets rich?
What is the name of Barley's car that he fixed?
When Elastigirl went into the apartment of the Screenslaver, and when he caught him, what was Screenslaver's job before he got hypnotized?
Pizza Delivery Man