What poisonous fruit did Snow White eat?
Apple or Pear
What color hair does Ariel have in The Little Mermaid?
blue or Red
Which Disney Character sings How Far I'll Go?
What is the song that Elsa and Anna sing when they are little?
Mama Mia
Do You Want To Build A Snowman
What kind of slipper does Cinderella wear to the ball?
Glass or Leather
What movie has Remy the Rat?
Ratatouille or Toy Story
What class do Ms.lloyd teach?
for an extra 200 what did i teach in the beginning of the year?
What color of dress does Cinderella wear to the ball?
Orange or Blue
What is the first song in Lion King?
Let it go or Circle of Life
What is the name of the snowman in Frozen?
Olaf or Mickey
What disney Movie has the hit song "Let It Go"?
Frozen or Tangled
What animal was Mushu from Mulan?
Dragon or Dog
What is Belle's hair color from Beauty and the Beast?
Brown or Red
Who is Elsa's sister?
Ariel or Anna
How old is Ms.lloyd?
22 years old
How old is ms.lloyds daughter?
2 years old
What does Hakuna Matata mean?
It Means No Worries
Be silly
Which family member do they not talk about in "Encanto"
Bruno or Mirabel
In The Little Mermaid who is the prince?
What college does Mike and Sully go to?
Penn State or Monsters University
Name 5 emotions from Inside Out
Over, Under, Above, Below, Beside
Joy, Anger, Disgust, Sadness, Fear
Moana was chosen by who or what to return the heart?
A Dragon or The Ocean
Who is Mickey's girlfriend?
Who ends up being the long lost princess in Tangled?
Grandmother willow or Rapunzel
Who is the little girl in Inside Out?
Belle or Riley