Mufasa's son
A father fish sets out on a wild journey to find his son who has been captured in the ocean and put into a fish tank
Finding Nemo
Longest running Game show on TV
The Price is Right
Simba's uncle and Mufasa's younger brother.
245 divided by 5
Kristoff's loyal friend and reindeer
A princess who pretends to be a man and goes to war so her father does not have to.
Who Hosts Family Feud
Steve Harvey
An evil fairy and the self-proclaimed "Mistress of All Evil" who curses the infant Princess Aurora.
16 quarts equals how many cups
64 cups
Mulan's dragon
He stumbles upon a lamp, becomes friends with a genie and together they try and save Agrabah.
Host of Wheel of Fortune
Pat Sajek
The pirate captain of the brig Jolly Roger and the villain in the movie about the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up.
Captain Hook
What is the place value of "4" in the number 3,427,891
Hundred Thousands Place
While in a forest, a princess discovers a cottage with 7 other people living in it. They welcome her in the home after she offers to cook and clean for them.
Snow white
Host of Let's Make a Deal
Wayne Brady
She steals puppies to make into spotted coats.
Cruella De Vil
The top number in a fraction is called the what?
Who is this
A young circus elephant is born with very large ears.
Biggest Winner on Jeopardy
Ken Jennings
The evil ruler of Agrabah.
True or False: every rectangle is also a square.
Aladdin's partner in crime and pet
This boy is raised in the jungle with a bear for a best friend.
The Jungle Book
Name the game show with a Whammy
God of the underworld that tries to kill Hercules.
360 divided by 4
Name at least 5 of the 7 dwarfs in Snowwhite
Bashful, Grumpy, Sleepy, Happy, Doc, Dopey, Sneezy
This girl has a dream of opening the finest restaurant in New Orleans but accidentally gets turned into a frog.
Princess and the Frog
What is Keegan's favorite game show
Known as the Sea Witch, she gives an opportunity for an underwater princess to become human.
What is an Angle called that is less than 90 degrees?
Acute Angle
Hei Hei
A gorilla saved a human baby from a fire and raised him in the forest with other animals.
What is the third round in Jeopardy called?
Final Jeopardy!
A mean hunter who was greedily determined to have Belle's hand in marriage, even by force if necessary.
How many questions are on this board?
5 times 8= 40