what is name of skinner frozen fast line in ratatouille?
Gusteaus microwave
I like carrots and Olaf nose reindeer better than people
We don't talk about ______.
aladdin, trazan and great mouse deletive
great mouse deletive 86
aladdin 92
trazan 99
yeah i alive
what are the two names of Simba's best firends in the lion king?
pumbaa and timon
I live with my stepmother my father die and i have two stepsister
you want thingamabobs? I got ___.
Finding nemo, lilo and stitch, g force
lilo and stitch 02
finding nemo 03
g force 09
put that thing back where it came from
name Jessie's from toy story onwers in order?
I ran into forest to escape the evil queen was poison than wake up by love kiss
snow white
One jump ahead of the bread line. one swing ahead if the sword. I steal ___________________.
Only what i can't afford
cinderella, snow white and alice in wonderland
snow white 37
cinderella 50
alice 51
just keep swimming
In toy story 2 what happens to strink pete at the end of 2?
He put in art girl bag
I am a gitch that also a princess i stole a metal
No one slick as Gaston, no one's quick as gaston, no one's _____ is incredibly thick as Gaston
toy story 2 jungle book 2 and lion king 1 1/2
toy story 2 99
jungle book 2 03
lion king 1 1/2 04
bubbles bubbles bubbles mine bubbles
Why did ariel keep melody from the the sea?
because ursula
My mother eats by another fish my father is over protect of me and i have thin left fin
A spoonful of sugar helps ________________.
Medicine go down
Monster inc and meet the robinsons and tangled
monster inc 01
meet the robinsons 07
tangled 10
do you know what tuna is