Who sang the song "Let it Go" and from what movie?
What movie is "A Whole New World" in?
What is Aladdin
Who is roughly the size of a barge?
Who is Gaston from Beauty and the Beast
Who sings " the bear necessities"
Who is Baloo the bear from The Jungle Book
Who sings "under the sea"
What is Sabastian/the little mermaid
Who sings "Once Upon a Dream" and from what movie?
Who is Aurora from Sleeping Beauty
What movie is "Just Whistle While You Work" in?
Who sings " poor unfortunate souls"
Who is Ursula from the Little Mermaid
Who sings "Hakuna Matata" from what movie
Timone and Pumba from the Lion King
Who sings "The wonderful things about Tigger"
Tigger from 'Winnie the Pooh"
Who sings "I have a dream" and from what movie?
Who is Rapunzel from Tangled
What Disney Movie has the song "I'm Almost There" in it?
Who sings " friends on the other side"
Who is Dr. Facilier "voodoo man" from The Princess and the Frog
who sings "baby mine"
Who is Mrs. Jumbo from Dumbo
Who sings "Be Our Guest"
Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast
Who sings "The Colors of the Wind"
Who is Pocahontas
What movie has the song "Kiss the Girl" in it?
The Little Mermaid
Who sings " be prepared"
Who is Scar from the Lion King
Who sings "I want to be Like You" and in what movie?
King Louie in the Jungle Book
Who sings "Bella Notte"
Who are the waiters from Lady and the Tramp
Who sings "I'll make a Man Out of You" and in what movie?
Who is Li Shang from Mulan
What movie is "You'll be In My Heart" in?
What is Tarzan
Who sings "hellfire" and from what movie?
Who is Judge Claude Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame
who sings "Everybody wants to be a cat"
Who are the ally cats from the Aristocats
Who sings "When somebody Loved Me"
Who is Jessie from Toy story 2