Finish the lyrics: When will my reflection show ________
who I am inside
She feels trapped in her ocean life and just wants to be where the people are
Part of Your World
Beauty and the Beast
When Will My Life Begin?
What instrument does Moana play in the cave to figure out who her ancestors were?
She just wants to build stuff in the snow and play with her magical sister again
Do you wanna build a Snowman- Frozen
I Just Can't Wait to Be King
In this classic movie, they fly, never grow up, and fight a pirate afraid of a clock eating alligator
Peter Pan
Finish the lyrics: I've been staring at the ________________ long as I can remember, _____________________
edge of the water, never really knowing why
They discover something new on their magic carpet ride
A Whole New World
You'll Be In My Heart
You're Welcome
What instrument does Miguel play in the movie Coco?
Finish the lyrics: Be our guest, be our guest put our __________________
service to the test
He is going to make this out of his soldiers so they can defeat the Hun
I'll Make a Man Out of You
One Jump Ahead
Colors of the Wind
Don't Eat That Apple!
Snow White
Finish the lyrics: The sea weed is always greener in somebody else's lake. You dream about growing up there, but ______________________
that is a big mistake
Mary Poppins says this is all you need to help the medicine go down
A Spoonful of Sugar
Un Poco Loco
Go The Distance
Aliens do exist and love to surf apparently
Lilo and Stitch