Netflix Shows
DC movies
90s sitcoms
Comedy movies
Children's shows

You'd be surprised what you can get through with your chosen family by your side. These friends have your back, even if it means following you into the upside down...

What is Stranger Things?


In this movie, a strong woman showed us that fighting for your independence is never a bad thing.

What is Birds of Prey?


Who you surround yourself with may shape the person you become. These 6 people popped up on our TV screens and displayed that throughout every episode.

What is Friends?


What day was it two days ago? Oh yeah...October 3rd. This movie displayed the importance of being nice. High school is already hard enough, but add in bullies, and you're in for a rude awakening. (but don't worry, bullies always learn their lesson somehow)

What is Mean Girls?


There's always time for adventure and curiosity especially if you have a friend by your side.

What is Dora the Explorer?


It can be tough for someone to navigate the world of poverty and racism in a society that's so rich in privilege and so often intolerant...but it helps if you play football.

What is All American?


We are stronger together than we are alone/in isolation

What is Justice League?


Change is not always a bad thing. It can open your mind and your heart, plus expose you to new perspectives. We saw this on our screens, along with a super catchy theme song.

What is The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?


Being a bad guy with your own set of morals isn't ideal, but it helps if you use your skills to defeat the REALLY bad guys.

What is Deadpool?


It's nice to enjoy the mundane things in life, even if you do annoy your coworkers a bit like a certain main character on this show... 

What is Spongebob Squarepants?


People will do almost anything for money...even compete

What is Squid Games?


Sometimes we can't fight the darkness inside of us...we might have to embrace it

What is Venom?


Family comes in all shapes and sizes. Even if it's a bit chaotic!

What is Full House?


Sometimes in life, you may not be able to fulfill your own desires. You may have to switch gears, especially if it will help out a loved one. (Hint-->this movie might possibly be related to a past event at school this week).

What is Happy Gilmore?


Education can be fun, especially if you have a cool teacher like the kids do in this show (or like your teachers, Ms. G and Mrs. Spath).  

What is The Magic Schoolbus?


Family is important and that is clearly shown in this 3-season long show. (hint-->it's not a comedy)

What is Outer Banks?


Overcoming your fears can help you get through some hard times. One superhero proved this to be true in this movie...

What is The Dark Knight Rises?


Being free-spirited and funny may get you very far in life. This comedy legend proved this to be true on his show.

What is Martin?


Adventures are better with friends! This movie from the 80s proved this to be true.

What is The Goonies?


You're never too young to start saving lives.

What is Doc McStuffins?
