A young boy who loves to fly and never ages
Peter Pan
A teenage girl disguises herself as a man so that her father doesn't have to enter into war, saving all of China
Name any Disney character that has a name start with B
Bambi, Bolt, Belle
"Don't let them in, don't let them see..."
Be the good girl you always have to be
What is the name for the gypsy in the hunchback of Notre dame?
take away 600 points OR give the other team 200 points!
An ant decides to stand up against their enemies through the use of his inventions. With the help of the colony and his circus friends they succeed
A Bugs Life
Name 5 Disney songs!
Circle of Life, Bear Necessities, Surface Pressure, We Don't Talk About Bruno, Under the Sea
"If there's a prize for rotten judgement I guess I've already won that No man is worth the aggravation..."
That's ancient history, been there, done that!
What is Bolt's favoirte Chew toy?
A squeaky Carrot
This feathered character is a Disney classic and is known for his temper
Donald Duck
An unlikely friendship between two animals who by nature could never be friends. As they grow older they are faced with the challenge of their instincts and there friendship.
Fox and the Hound
Name 6 characters from the Lion King!
Simba, Mufasa, Nala, Zazu, Scar, Pumba, TimoneN
"You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my eyes..."
You're jokin' me, you gotta be This can't be the right guy
(Nightmare Before Christmas)
What is the name of the villain in Sword in the Stone?
Madam Mim
This small one-eyed green character isn't as scary as his friends around him. To make up for it, he studies harder than anyone else to ensure that he achieves his dream.
Mike Wasowski
A father has to search for his only son with the help of a stranger who has a horrible memory. On this journey they run into various obstacles but end up finding his son.
Finding Nemo
Name three Disney Princess's with no love interest!
Merida, Elsa, Moana
Last one I promise...
If you beat the Host in rock paper scissors, you get the points!
What is on the license plate of Benny the taxicab from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
This character has always dreamed of playing a trumpet in a big band, but his scaly appearance holds him back
A mismatched group of Dairy cows go on a wild adventure to capture an infamous rustler in order to save their farm
Home on the Range
Name 5 Disney characters that have no repeating letters in their name!
Mulan, Bolt, Marie, Lady, Tramp
"He's a tramp but they love him. Breaks a new heart, every day. He's a tramp, they adore him... "
And I only hope he'll stay that way
(Lady and the Tramp)
"When one knows the world is watching One does what one must..."
Some minor adjustments, darling Not for my vanity
But for humanity
(Oliver and Company)