Hi, My name is Thyroid
Non-Essential Organ Support Group
Cut it Out
Here Lies My Thyroid
I'm Still Hot, But it Comes in Flashes

Common medication for treatment of hypothyroidism

Levothyroxine (Synthroid)


This is caused by insult to the pituitary that results from a brain injury or invasive brain surgery 

Central Diabetes Insipidus


A pituitary adenoma would make blood glucose go (up/down)

Up (hyperglycemia)


People who participate in this risk factor have nearly twice the risk of developing hyperthyroidism 

 people who smoke


True/False: Patients with goiter can develop toxic goiter when given iodine-based contrast media



This fluid-electrolyte imbalance occurs secondary to removal of the parathyroid glands



Abruptly stopping hormone replacement can cause the patient to go into this type of coma 

myxedema - loss of consciousness with hypotension, hypothermia, respiratory failure, hyponatremia, and hypoglycemia


These two things are the basis of treatment for diabetes insipidus

replacing fluid and electrolytes, along with hormone therapy


This is a complication of a hypophysectomy after removed or damaged leads no secretion of antidiuretic hormone

Diabetes insipidus AEB excessive urine output


Cushing disease, this hormone's levels are evaluated



Explain the cause of Addison's Disease

decreased function of the adrenal cortex resulting in a deficit of all three hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex.


You are teaching your patient about taking a corticosteroid. What should you include?

Corticosteroids should be taken every day, administered with food, not be abruptly discontinued or altered without physician consultation.


s/p a hypophysectomy, a patient placed in semi-fowler's position for this reason

 to prevent increased intracranial pressure


The patient with hyperthyroidism may experience nervousness and irritability. These nursing interventions can be implemented (3)

-provide periods of rest between care

-keep environment free of clutter

-lower lights and close door for sleep

-cluster nursing care

(having the environmental stimuli kept to a minimum)


s/p this procedure, the patient's temperature may rise to 106° F (41.1° C) or more, the pulse increases to as much as 200 beats per minute, respirations become rapid, and the patient exhibits marked apprehension and restlessness. Unless the condition is relieved, the patient quickly passes from delirium to coma to death from heart failure. 

Thyroidectomy (Thyroid Storm is occuring)


A patient with Graves' Disease is having emotional outbursts and mood swings. Describe a therapeutic communication tool you could use and how.

Answers vary


A patient would be given iodine prior to thyroid removal surgery for this reason

to reduce the vascularity of the gland, minimizing the danger of releasing large amounts of thyroid hormone into the bloodstream during surgery, and to decrease the risk of hemorrhage.


Explain the technique to administer potassium iodine

solution should be diluted and drunk through a straw to avoid staining of teeth.


s/s of hyperparathyroidism

Hyperparathyroidism would result in anorexia, low serum phosphate, and increased serum calcium, constipation, lethargy


The earliest two symptoms of hyperthyroidism

 weight loss (in spite of a good appetite) and nervousness.


After a hypophysectomy, why is it vital that the patient not cough, blow her nose, or bend forward 

due to the risk of causing cerebrospinal fluid to leak.


Explain the rationale for the following nursing interventions for patients with SIADH

- assist with ADLs

- record intake and output-daily weights

-neuro check

The nurse should assist with activities of daily living because of weakness, record accurate urine output because of oliguria, weigh the patient daily to assess fluid volume status, and assess for changes in level of consciousness


Removal of the pituitary gland is usually does through this method.

The usual approach is trans-sphenoidal via the nose or at the junction of the gums and upper lip


Immediate postoperative care of a person who had a total thyroidectomy

supporting the head with sandbags, and assessing the patient’s ability to swallow, and monitoring for bleeding. The patient should be placed in high Fowler position and vital signs should be assessed every 15 minutes.


Manifestations of this include tremulousness, exertional dyspnea, scanty menstruation, and increased thirst and urination.

