The group of soldiers training to be ready any minute
Who were the Minutemen?
The famous group of men who gave their lives so their fellow soldiers could live
The 1st battle of the Revolutionary War
The 2 names on the Liberty Bell
What were Pass and Stow?
The Commander in Chief of the U.S Army and Navy
Who is the President?
The King of Britain during the Revolutionary War.
Who was King George III?
The patriot spy who was hanged and famously said his only wish was that he had two lives to give for his country
Who was Nathan Hale?
The famous battle where G Washington crossed the Delaware River
What was the Battle of Trenton?
The meaning of E Pluribus Unum found on the Great Seal of the US
What is "Out of Many, One" meaning that many states and people came together into one nation?
The Branch of Government that makes laws, coins money, declares war, manages military, etc...
What is the Legislative Branch?
What was "Common Sense"?
The name of the treaty that Britain signed to end the war.
What was the Treaty of Paris?
Where the patriot officers gave the famous order "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!"
What was the Battle of Bunker Hill?
The rebellion of farmers/soldiers who were upset about not getting paid that led to a stronger government.
What is Shay's rebellion?
the agreement that gave both the small states and large states representation they wanted
According to Thomas Jefferson, these 3 rights belong to all men
What are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?
What was general of the Continental Army and first president of the US.
The last battle of the Revolutionary War
What was the battle of Yorktown?
Why the newly formed US government was considered weak.
What is, it could not collect taxes?
The meeting, in 1787, where 55 delegates met in secrecy to plan a stronger federal government.
What was the Constitutional Convention?
Where British soldiers shot and killed 5 unarmed colonists, fueling anti-British anger.
What was the Boston Massacre?
This country that helped the United States fight Britain.
Who was France?
The major outcome of the war for the United States
What is the Colonies' independence from Britain?
Considered the "Father of the Constitution"
Who is James Madison?