D stands for?
Do something else (double the points if you name something you can do in the program to cope)
R stands for?
Remind yourself that feelings change
Name something you can look at that helps you cope
Names something to see. Must be specific
T stands for
Tense and Relax
Name one trigger that gets you distressed
Can name something specific
I stands for?
Imagine pleasant events
A stands for?
Ask for help
Name something you can taste that helps you cope.
Names something specific
BONUS Points
Name an uncontrollable trigger
Names a scenario that makes you distressed and that you cannot change
S stands for?
Stop thinking about it
C stands for?
Contribute. Double points if you can name 2 ways to contribute at home.
Names something specific and appropriate
I stands for?
Intense Exercises
Tag a peer and do an intense exercise.
Both engage in the exercise. Appropriateness of exercise must be approved by staff
T stands for?
Think about something else.
T stands for? Demonstrate how to take a break in the room.
Take a break and uses calm down corner.
Name something you can smell that helps you cope.
Names something specific that is appropriate
P stands for?
Paced Breathing. Bonus points if you can demonstrate it
Tag a peer and demonstrate a TIP activity
Both engages in the same TIP activity
Must be ones that no one else has talked about yet.
Double points for demonstrating three skills.
Tell us two DISTRACT skills you can use and how it will work for you.
Names two DISTRACT skills and tells us how it works.
Name something you can touch that helps you cope.
Names something specific that is appropriate
Show us how to tense and relax
Does one of the tense and relax demonstration
Bonus share a thanksgiving food you like.
Shares a type of food