Distress Tolerance skills help us to: ______
Survive crisis situations/extreme distress, Accept reality, Get emotional intensity down, etc.
What does STOP stand for?
Stop, take a step back, observe the situation, proceed mindfully.
Distraction and Avoidance are the same thing
FALSE- Distraction is temporary, mindful, and for a purpose. Avoidance is long-term and willful/mindless. *Distraction CAN turn into avoidance if used too frequently.
Describe the difference between Willingness and Willfulness.
willingness is accepting reality, "doing just what is needed"; willfulness is avoidance/refusal, trying to control what cannot be controlled, etc.
T/F- Reality Acceptance is giving up on a situation.
What are the 5 ways to solve a problem?
1. Solve it, 2. Change how you feel about it, 3. Tolerate/Accept it, 4. Do nothing and stay miserable, 5. Make it worse
What does TIPP stand for?
Bonus points if you can name what it is used for.
TIPP-Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Paired Muscle Relaxation.
To change physiological responses happening within you when distressed.
Crisis Survival skills should NOT be used for everyday problems and minor distress.
TRUE- Crisis Survival skills are reserved for crisis situations.
"Rejecting reality doesn't change reality." This is an example of what skill?
Radical Acceptance.
Radical Acceptance is NOT: (things)
Examples: Approval, Agreement, or Liking, etc.
What are three ways to describe a crisis
Short term, Highly stressful, urge to solve it now.
What does ACCEPTS stand for?
*BONUS if you can name what it's used for.
Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts, Sensations.
When using the TIPP skill, you can use hot or cold water to tip the "Temperature".
FALSE- Cold temperature is required for effective use of "Temperature" in TIPP, as it deactivates our "flight or flight".
Name the 6 parts of the self-soothe skill (Hint: senses)
Vision, Hearing, Taste, Touch, Smell, Movement.
What are other words to describe Acceptance?
Acknowledge, Recognize, Endure, etc.
Name one thing you learned in Distress Tolerance week
What are two ways to practice the "T" in the TIPP skill?
Examples: Hold ice cubes, splashing cold water on the face, holding an ice pack, etc.
The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is what activates our "fight or flight" response.
Give an example scenario of when using the STOP skill would be effective.
T/F- Acceptance is a choice
TRUE- Acceptance is a choice. Sometimes you have to accept something over and over again.
What are the two sets of skills in Distress Tolerance
Crisis Survival skills and Reality Acceptance skills
Name all 7 parts of the IMPROVE skill
I- Imagery, M-Meaning, P-Prayer, R-Relaxation, O-One thing, V- Vacation, E- Encouragement.
Distress Tolerance skills are meant to SOLVE your problems.
FALSE- Distress Tolerance skills help us TOLERATE problems and intense emotions that cannot be solved right away.
What is the IMPROVE skill used for?
To IMPROVE the moment!
T/F- Pain is avoidable.
FALSE- Pain is a part of life and is unavoidable; Avoidance of pain leads to suffering. We must see the world as it really is.