The O in the STOP skill
Notice what is going on inside and outside you. What is the situation? What are your thoughts and feelings? What are others saying or doing?
Radical Acceptance is not this
What is Approval, compassion, love, passivity, or against change?
These skills constitute a natural progression from mindfulness skills. They have to do with the ability to accept, in a nonevaluative and nonjudgmental fashion, both oneself and the current situation.
When we do for others or provide a kind text message is a specific skill within one of the acronyms we learned in this module.
What is Contributing?
We do this with the five senses in this skill.
What is Self Soothe?
Paced Breathing and Paired Progress Muscle Relaxation are two of these type of Skills that are focused on changing our bodies response to regulate emotions.
What are TIPP?
Bonus: Name the other two
These are physical expressions of how to practice Willingness
What is Half Smiling and Willing Hands?
Goals of Distress Tolerance
What are to Survive Crisis Situations Without Making Them Worse
Accept Reality Replace Suffering and Being “Stuck” with Ordinary Pain and the Possibility of Moving Forward
Become Free Of Having to Satisfy the Demands of Your Own Desires, Urges, and Intense Emotions?
Skills for tolerating painful events, urges, and emotions when you cannot make things better right away.
What are Crisis Survival Skills?
A problem solving skill where we examine two different sides often associated with "positive" and "negative reasoning
What is PROS and Cons?
When we want to "distract" ourselves we may choose to engage in use of this acronym?
What is ACCEPTS?
A key step of practicing the Turning the mind skill and Radical Acceptance.
What is Do it again, over and over?
We are practicing Turning the Mind and Willingness which means we are practicing this type of skill.
What is Reality Acceptance Skills?
The T in TIPP uses this to Tip the temperature
What is cold water?
When we check in with various parts of our body often from head to toe or toe to head we are engaging in this type of sensory awareness skill
What is a body scan?
TIPP Skills regulate emotions by doing this to our bodies.
What is increasing activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and decreasing activity of the sympathetic nervous system?
This is a first step in several of the reality acceptance skills and acceptance overall.
What is observing when we are not accepting, we are practicing willfulness, or fighting reality?
These are skills we use for the short term; not long term solutions.
What is Crisis Survival Skills?
Thinking about folks who are experiencing a similar experience is using this type of skill
What is Comparisons?
"Making lemons out of lemonade"; or if I am in a situation where I work a job that pays very low wages which is all I can do at the time; I focus on how much I get to serve others would be doing this type of skill.
What is Making Meaning?
These skills make up IMPROVE
What is Imagery, Making/Creating Meaning, Prayer, Relaxing Actions, One Thing in the Moment, Brief Vacation, Self Encouragement or Rethinking?
What Marsha Linehan says we have to Accept when talking about acceptance.
What is Reality is as it is (the facts about the past and the present are the facts, even if you don’t like them). 2. There are limitations on the future for everyone (but only realistic limitations need to be accepted). 3. Everything has a cause (including events and situations that cause you pain and suffering). 4. Life can be worth living even with painful events in it.?
What is You have intense pain that cannot be helped quickly. 2. You want to act on your emotions, but it will only make things worse. 3. Emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you, and you need to stay skillful. 4. You are overwhelmed, yet demands must be met. 5. Arousal is extreme, but problems can’t be solved immediately?
It is doing what works, focusing on both individual and common needs, throwing yourself into life without reservation, wholeheartedly and responding from wise mind vs Throwing yourself into trying to control events, those around you, and so on; Trying to control experience, Holding back, saying no, or more commonly saying, ‘Yes, but . . . Holding a grudge or bitterness."
What is Willingness vs Willfulness?