Crisis Survival Skills 1
Crisis Survival Skills 2
Reality Acceptance Skills
When the Crisis is Addiction Skills
Distress Tolerance Miscellaneous

What does the "T" in TIP stand for? 

Tip the temperature with cold water


When Distracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, name one activity that you could do?

A task you need to get done, watch TV, go out to eat, listen to music, call a friend, play games, exercise, play sports, play cards 


What is Radical Acceptance?

Radical means all the way, complete and total

It is accepting in your mind, your heart, and your body

It's when you stop fighting reality, stop throwing tantrums because reality is not the way you want it, and let go of bitterness


How can we remember the skills for backing down from addiction?

With the acronym DCBA


What does Half-Smiling/Willing Hands help us do?

Accept reality with your body


When is it helpful to use the Pros and Cons skill?

Any time that you have to decide between two courses of action


How to remember the Self-Soothing skills?

By soothing the five senses


What is one thing that Radical Acceptance is NOT?

Approval, compassion, love, passivity, or against change


When referring to the "When the Crisis is the Addiction" skills, what are the 3 states of mind?

Clear mind, clean mind, and addict mind


Imagining that your mind is "a river and that thoughts and feelings are boats going down the river Imagine sitting on the grass, watching the boats go by. Try not to jump on the boat" is a way to practice what skill?

Mindfulness of Current Thoughts


Name 2 examples of Distracting with wise mind ACCEPTS that fall under the "contributing" category

volunteer work, helping a friend/family member, surprising someone, giving away things you do not need, text someone, make something nice for someone

Name the 6 crisis survival skills

STOP, Pros and Cons, TIP, Distracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, Self-Soothing, Improving the Moment


What is Willingness?

Willingness is the readiness to enter and participate fully in life and living


Name 3 examples of Alternate Rebellion?

Shave your head, dye your hair, unmatched shoes, get a tattoo, get a piercing, don't bathe, dress up or dress down


What are the goals of Distress Tolerance?

Surviving crisis situations without making them worse, accepting reality, and becoming free


How do we do Paced Breathing?

Breathe deeply into your belly, slow your pace of inhaling and exhaling way down, breathe out more slowly than you breathe in


Name a way to Self-Soothe for each of the 5 senses

Vision - look at the stars, look at pictures you like, go people watching, watch a dance performance, watch the sunset

Hearing - listen to music, listen to nature sounds, radio, playlist

Smell - favorite cologne, incense, coffee, cinnamon, smell nature

Taste - eat your favorite foods, drink your favorite drink, candy, gum

Touch - pet an animal, have a massage, cold compress, comfy clothes, clean sheets


Give an example of Willfulness?

Answers may vary


What is Abstinence Sampling?

Committing to ____ days off of the addiction and observe the benefits, temporarily avoid high-risk addiction triggers


What opposite action for anger do we teach in Distress Tolerance?

Half smile/willing hands


What does each letter in the STOP skill stand for?

S = Stop

T = Take a step back

O = Observe

P = Proceed mindfully


What does each letter of "IMPROVE" stand for in the Improving the Moment skill?

I = Imagery

M = Meaning

P = Prayer

R = Relaxing 

O = One thing in the moment

V = Vacation

E = Encouragement


What are the 4 steps of Mindfulness of Current Thoughts?

1. Observe your thoughts

2. Adopt a curious mind

3. Remember: you are not your thoughts

4. Don't block or suppress thoughts


What are the two components of Dialectical Abstinence?

Abstinence (swearing off the addictive behavior) and Harm Reduction (acknowledging there will be slips, minimizing the damage but not demanding perfection)


How would someone replace addiction reinforcers with abstinence reinforcers?

Spend time with people who aren't addicted, increase the number of enjoyable activities you engage in that do not involve addiction, sample lots of groups and activities if you don't know what you like