Self Soothe
Crisis Skills

What the 'A' stands for and 3 ways to use it

What is Activities? examples include: doing artwork, watching a show, going for a walk, etc.


What the 'E' stands for and 3 examples of ways to use it

What is Encouragement? Examples include: affirmations (I am worthy, I am capable of handling stress, I am stronger than my disorder, etc), giving yourself compliments or validation, writing a hype-up letter to yourself, etc.


3 ways to self-soothe with sense of touch

examples include: applying lotion, using a soft/fuzzy blanket, putting on clothing that just came out of the dryer, etc.


What is the 'I' skill in TIPP and how is it used?

Intensive exercise - movement that increases heartrate: sprints, jumping jacks, push-ups, intense dancing


What is radical acceptance?

a healthier way of thinking about a problem that's out of your control; recognizing and accepting the problem or situation as it is


What the 'S' stands for and 3 ways to use it

What is Sensations? examples include lighting a candle, holding an ice pack, listening to music, etc


What the 'P' and 'R' stand for and 3 ways to use each skill?

What are Prayer/meditation and Relaxation? Examples include religious prayer, seeking a higher power such as nature or Wise Mind, seeking "advice" from your best self/highest self, etc. Relaxation examples include progressive muscle relaxation, paced breathing exercises, mindful grounding techniques, etc.


3 ways to self-soothe with sense of hearing

examples include: listening to favorite songs, listening to nature sounds, focusing on the sound of a crackling fireplace, etc.


What is the 'T' in TIPP and how is this skill used?

Temperature. Examples include holding something cold or frozen, splashing face with very cold water, standing outside in colder temperatures, holding a hot pack, etc.


What are 3 emotions that radical acceptance can reduce?

anger, anxiety, sadness


What the 'P' stands for and how it is used

What is Push Away? Used to intentionally take a break from the problem or distressing situation, with a plan to return to it after a certain period of time


What the 'I' and 'V' stand for and 3 ways to use each skill

What are Improve and Vacation? examples include: visualizing a "happy place" or "safe place," visualizing yourself succeeding at overcoming your problem, imagining your desired future in recovery, etc. Vacation examples include taking a "mental vacation" using imagery, taking a break from the space and going into a different room/going for a walk, going on a drive, etc.


3 ways to self-soothe with sense of smell

examples include: applying a scented lotion or perfume/cologne, lighting a candle or incense, diffusing essential oils, baking or cooking a favorite food with a pleasant aroma, etc.


One of the P's in TIPP has to do with full body engagement. What does this 'P' stand for and how is this skill used? 

Progressive or paired muscle relaxation. This involves tensing muscles as tightly as possible and then fully relaxing them, using the entire body all at once or doing certain muscle groups one at a time.


When is your Default Mode Network (DMN) activated?
Bonus: How might you increase DMN activation?

during a resting state; you can increase this through mindfulness meditation and introspective activities, such as daydreaming, thinking about the past or future, or considering another person's perspective


What the 'E' and 'T' stand for, and a way to use each of them

What are Emotions and Thoughts? Creating a different emotional experience (e.g., watching stand up comedy when sad) and giving the brain a different thought (e.g., focusing on a jigsaw puzzle or word search)


What does the 'M' stand for and what does it mean/how is it used?

Meaning; finding the deeper purpose for your struggle or difficulty. This can be finding the "silver lining" of a situation, deciding how you can grow as a person from this challenge, thinking about why a certain issue is presenting itself, etc. 


3 ways to self-soothe with sense of sight

examples include: looking at photos of loved ones and pets, creating artwork to look at or hang up, finding soothing nature photos online, doing a coloring page with a variety of different colors, etc.


One of the P's in TIPP has to do with an automatic body process. What does this 'P' stand for and how is this skill used?

Paced breathing. Examples include 4-square breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, elevator breathing, color breathing, etc. 


What are two states of your nervous system that can be addressed by up-regulation or down-regulation?

Hyperarousal (high heart rate, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, etc) (fight or flight) and hypoarousal (dissociation, shutting down, feeling frozen or stuck, etc) (freeze response)


What the two 'C's stand for and a way to use each of them

What are Comparison and Contribute? examples include: comparing to a role model or someone you admire, comparing to a time when you handled the problem successfully, etc; volunteering, doing a favor for someone, doing a random act of kindness, etc.


What does the 'O' stand for and what does it mean/how is this skill used?

One Thing in the Moment - mindfully focusing our attention on one singular task or activity, without multitasking, and noticing when our mind wanders to bring our attention back to the task at hand

3 recovery-focused ways to self-soothe with sense of taste

examples include: having herbal tea with a meal or snack, using a breath mint after eating, mindful eating bite-by-bite of a preferred food, applying flavored lip balm, etc. 


What does S.T.O.P. stand for and how is this skill used?

Stop; Take a Step Back; Observe; Proceed Mindfully. Used in a crisis moment to force ourselves to pause our action and re-evaluate how to move forward in a more helpful/constructive way


What are 2 functions of the Default Mode Network (DMN)?

mind-wandering, daydreaming, self-reflection, self-referential thought, processing episodic memory (autobiographical), planning for the future (prospective memory), social awareness and cognition, integration of past information with the current situation, utilization of schemas and narratives
