Skills used to tolerate painful events, urges, and emotions when you cannot make things better right away.
What are Crisis Survival Skills?
Handout 2
To reduce extreme emotion mind fast.
What are TIPP skills?
Handout 6
Is like facing a fork in the road.
What is Turning the Mind?
Handout 12
Using your 5 senses to comfort self.
What is Self-Soothing?
Handout 8
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?
Survive crisis situations without making them worse.
What is a goal of distress tolerance?
Handout 1
It's when you stop fighting reality, stop throwing tantrums because reality is not the way you want it, and let go of bitterness.
What is Radical Acceptance?
Handout 11
What is temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, and paired muscle relaxation?
Handout 6
What is stop, take a step back, observe, and proceed mindfully?
Handout 4
The roof, three pillars, and foundation of the DBT house.
What is a life worth living (roof), distress tolerance, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and mindfulness (foundation)?
What is imagery, meaning, prayer, relaxing, one thing in the moment, vacation, and encouragement and rethinking the situation?
Handout 9
What is activities, contributing, comparisons, emotions, pushing away, thoughts, and sensations?
Handout 7
Short-term and highly stressful.
What is you are in a crisis?
Handout 3
Trying to fix every situation. Insisting on being in control.
What is Willfulness?
Handout 13
When two seemingly conflicting things are true at the same time.
What is a dialectic?
Listening very carefully to your WISEMIND, and then acting from your WISEMIND.
What is Willingness?
Handout 13
A strong desire or impulse.
What is an urge?
Handout 3 - Urge Surfing - Important Points
Arms by your side, hands unclenched, turn your palms up with fingers relaxed.
What is willing hands while laying down?
Handout 14
Use any time you have to decide between two courses of action.
What is pros and cons?
Handout 5
Skill that helps individuals develop self-respect. All about being truthful about problems without compromising one's values.
What is FAST?
The path out of hell is through misery. By refusing to accept the misery that is part of climbing out of hell, you fall back into hell.
What is why accept reality?
Handout 11
List all the behaviors you would do if you did accept the facts. Then act as if you have already accepted the facts. Engage in the behaviors that you would do if you really had accepted.
What is practicing opposite action?
Handout 11B
You believe that if you accept a painful event, you are making light of it or are approving of the facts, and that nothing will be done to change or prevent future painful events.
What is a factor that interferes with acceptance?
Handout 11A
Imagine believing what you don't want to accept. Rehearse in your mind what you would do if you accepted what seems unacceptable.
What is coping ahead?
Handout 11B
Focuses on helping people accept the reality of their lives and their behaviors, as well as helping them learn to change their lives, including their unhelpful behaviors.
What is DBT?