What are the goals of mindfulness practice?
Reduce suffering, increase happiness, increase control of your mind, and experience reality as it is.
List some of the Crisis Survival skills.
STOP, Pros and Cons, TIP, Distract, Self Soothe, & Improve the moment.
What is a crisis situation?
Highly stressful, short-term, and creates intense pressure to resolve NOW.
When should you use Radical Acceptance?
When you cannot keep painful events and emotions from coming your way.
List some of the radical acceptance skills.
Turning the Mind, Willingness, Half-Smile, Willing Hands, and Mindfulness of Current Thoughts.
What is Mindfulness?
Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment, without judging or rejecting the moment, and without attachment to the moment.
STOP stands for...
Take a step back
Proceed mindfully
Draw what a pros and cons table looks like in DBT on the board.
4 Grid - Acting on Urge and Not Acting on Urge
What is Willingness?
Readiness to enter and participate fully in life and living, doing just what is needed, listening to wise mind, and acting with awareness that you are connected to the universe.
What is the purpose of Radical Acceptance Skills?
How to live a life that is not the life you want by reducing suffering and increasing a sense of freedom.
What are the 3 states of mind?
Reasonable Mind, Emotion Mind, & Wise Mind
(Wise Mind) ACCEPTS stands for...
Pushing away
TIPP stand for...
Tip the Temperature of your face with cold water
Intense exercise
Paced breathing
Paired muscle relaxation
What is the purpose of Half Smile and Willing Hands?
Accepting reality with your body.
What are the steps to Willingness...
Radically Accept
Turn Your Mind
Half Smile & Willing Posture
Ask "what's the threat?"
What is Participate?
Throwing self completely into activities of current moment, becoming one with whatever you are doing, act intuitively from wise mind, and go with the flow.
If you overuse a distraction skill it could lead to...
List 1 self soothe activity for each of your 5 senses.
See page 334
Radical Acceptance does not mean...
Approval, compassion, love, passivity, or against change.
What are examples of things that need to be accepted?
Reality is as it is, realistic limitations on the future, everything has a cause, and life can be worth living even with painful events in it.
What is Effectively?
Be mindful of your goals in the situation, focus on what works, play by the rules, act as skillfully as you can, and let go of willfulness and sitting on your hands.
When should you use crisis survival skills?
You have intense pain that cannot be helped quickly, acting on emotions will only make things worst, emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you, you are overwhelmed yet demands must be met, and arousal is extreme but problems cannot be solved immediately.
IMPROVE (the moment) stands for...
Relaxing actions
One thing in the moment
(brief) Vacation,
self-Encouragement and rethinking the situation
What is Willfulness?
Refusing to tolerate or make changes necessary, giving up, opposite of doing what works, trying to fix everything, insisting on being in control, and attachment to me, me, me and what I want right now.
What is Mindfulness of Current Thoughts?
Observe, adopt a curious mind, remember you are not your thoughts, and don't block or suppress.