What are goals of the distress tolerance module? (name 2)
Survive crisis situations without making them worse, accept reality, become free
What happens if we over use distress tolerance skills?
they don't work as well
problem is still there
may make things worse in long term
What is a Pros & Cons list and why is it used?
A Pros & Cons list helps you organize positive and negative outcomes of acting and not acting on a behavior. It is used to help you gain more clarity and try and reach wise mind to make the least harmful decision for yourself.
What does ACCEPTS stand for? What are these skills for?
Activities, contributing, comparisons, emotions, pushing away, thoughts, sensations.
used to distract from what is causing distress
What is not part of radical acceptance?
approval or agreement
When NOT to use distress tolerance skills? (name 2)
to solve every day problems, solving all your life problems, or to make your life worth living
What are the "What Skills" of Mindfulness
observe, describe, participate
What is Turning the Mind?
This Distress Tolerance Skill involves leaving a situation temporarily with a plan to come back to it when we are in Wise Mind.
*50pt bonus if you can give an example of how to do this.
pushing away
how: leave it for awhile, leave it mentally, build an imaginary wall, box it up, deny the problem, use visualization.
the "I" in IMPROVE stands for imagery. What is imagery and how can it help you deal with difficult feelings and situations?
*bonus 50 pts if you can give an example of imagery
Imagery is using your mind to imagine a safe place, a happy memory, hearing a family member's words, etc. --Imagery can help distract us from the painful feelings we are having and possibly even decrease our painful feelings.
How do we know crisis survival skills are working?
If we haven't made the situation worse, they are working. This is true even if you don't feel better. Crisis skills are meant to get us THROUGH the moment, and to keep us from making things worse. They are only meant to bring our distress down so that we can use other skills to solve our problems.
what are the mindfulness "how" skills
one mindfully, non-judgmentally, effectively
What is willfulness?
Willfulness is refusing to tolerate the moment , refusing to make changes that are needed, giving up, trying to fix every situation, insisting on being in control, attachment to "me" me" "me".
How can "contributing" or helping other people make it easier to deal with our own problems?
Helping others allows us to take the focus of our ourselves and focus on someone else. Helping others may also lead to us having some positive emotions.
Talk about how you used 2 of the IMPROVE skills Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One thing in the Moment, Vacation, Encouragement
you are in a crisis when? (name 2)
1. A crisis is short term 2. A crisis is a highly stressful situation with potential for very negative outcomes 3. A crisis creates intense pressure for quick resolution
What is the STOP skill?
S - Stop! Don't react, just freeze. T - Take a step back, mentally or physically. O - Observe what is happening within and around you. P - Proceed mindfully.
What is willingness
Willingness is being present and acting in wise mind, doing just what is needed, being effective.
Focusing on counting, painting, drawing, repeating words to a song or poem, listening to loud music, doing puzzles, sodukos ect... are examples of which Distress Tolerance Skill.
Redirecting my attention calming myself with a sight, sound, smell, taste, or physical sensation is an example of which Distress Tolerance Skill?
Use crisis survival skills when: (name 3)
You have intense pain that cannot be helped quickly
You want to act on your emotions, but it will make things worse
Emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you and you need to stay skillful
You are overwhelmed yet demands must be met
Arousal is extreme but problems can’t be solved immediately
Share a time you practiced the STOP skill
Talk about a time when you used a pros & list.
What does the "E" stand for in ACCEPTS and give an example for anger.
What is Emotions and something that would make them feel the opposite of angry.
What are the TIP skills?
use cold to change the temperature of your body
intense exercise
paced breathing and paired muscle relaxation