True or False - Distress Tolerance skills are normally used for long-term
False: Distress Tolerance skills are typically used for the short-term
What is Behavioral Chain Analysis?
Rubbing a frozen orange on my neck, face or hands.
What is an example of a skill done in the 'T' of TIPP?
Thus is the skill that we use when we are feeling extreme emotions or our emotional arousal is very high
Give us an example of using the skill "vacation" when IMPROVING the moment
Get outside, take a short walk, go get your favorite coffee drink or smoothie, read a magazine or newspaper; surf the web; take a 1-hour breather from hard work that must be done. Unplug from all electronic devices, etc.
This is why it can be helpful to tolerate painful feelings and urges
-Pain is part of life and can't always be avoided
-If you can't deal with your pain, you may act impulsively
-When you act impulsively, you may end up hurting yourself, hurting someone else, or not getting what you want
This is the distress tolerance skill that helps us relax and feel peaceful
What is Self-Soothe
TRUE or FALSE: It is always good to resist the urge to act on our emotions
FALSE: it is helpful for us to evaluate what our urges are and whether they will help us reach our goals, make things worse, etc.
This is what each letter of the acronym "STOP" stands for
-Take a step back
-Proceed mindfully
Give us an example of how you would use any one of the TIPP skills
Temperature - Hold breath and place head in bowl of cold water, splash cold water on face, place cold gel mask on eyes or forehead, etc.
Intense exercise - Run in place, do high-intensity weight circuit, jump, put on music and dance, etc.
Paced breathing - Slow down breath so you’re breathing in for about 4 seconds and out for 5–8 seconds, etc.
Progressive muscle relaxation - Tense and relax each muscle group, head to toe, one muscle group at a time.
These are the three goals of Distress Tolerance (100pts. per goal)
-Not making things worse
-Learning to tolerate distress
-Learning to accept painful emotions
Radical Acceptance is not:
-Against change
These are the six senses in DBT
This is what the acronym TIPP stand for
-Intense Exercise
-Paced Breathing
-Progressive muscle relaxation
This is an example of willingness and an example of willfulness (150pts. per answer)
Willfulness -refusing to tolerate a situation or giving up
Willingness- allowing the world to be what it is and participating in it fully
These are 3 questions to ask ourselves before using Distress Tolerance skills
-Am I in Wise Mind?
-Am I able to solve this problem?
-Is it the right time to solve this problem?
This is what the acronym "IMPROVE" the moment stands for
-One thing at a time
This is the skill that brings us back to the here and now
Grounding Yourself, Mindfulness
We are using this skill when we are adopting a curious mind
Mindfulness of Current Thoughts
Give us an example of using Mindfulness of Current Thoughts
-Observing Them
-Using words & voice tone
-Using Opposite Action
This is when to use crisis survival skills (name at least 3 reasons to use these skills)
When a situation is:
-Highly stressful
-Short-term (that is, it won’t last a long time)
-Creates intense pressure to resolve the crisis now
When we:
-Have intense pain that cannot be helped quickly
-Want to act on your emotions, but it will only make things worse
-Emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you, and you need to stay skillful
-Are overwhelmed, yet demands must be met
-Arousal is extreme, but problems can’t be solved immediately
Radical Acceptance teaches us that when we find ourselves in pain, we have five choices. These are the five optional ways of responding when a serious problem comes into your life? (100pts. per answer)
-Figure out how to solve the problem
-change how you feel about the problem
-accept it
-stay miserable (no skill use)
-make things worse (act on your impulsive urges)
This is the skill we are using when we focus our entire attention on what we're doing right now, keeping our mind in the present moment, being aware of body movements or sensations while we’re walking, cleaning, eating, etc.
One thing at a time
This is what the term "radical" means when we radically accept something
Complete and total in mind, heart, and body.
These are examples of using Self-Soothe for each of the senses (120pts per example)