Being Present in the moment
Managing strong emotions
Activities that can distract you from negative emotions
Five Senses for Self Soothing
What does it mean to accept the pros and cons
Thinking about the good and the bad outcomes and how to tolerate them.
What are 4 coping skills
Going to the gym, knitting, volunteering, cooking, drawing, painting, running, journaling, driving,
To observe
How to notice something without reacting or judging
How to deal with Anger
Anger management
Walking away
Talking it out
Breathing exercises
How to improve the moment
replace immediate negative events with positive ones- Give 3
What is a time you have accepted a situation as it or a time another person did. What was the outcome?
racing thoughts, worry, increase in heart rate, upset stomach, avidness, headache, chest pain, inability to focus.
Positively Participating
Being open minded
planning for success
learning from expeience
Good food
Things that make you laugh
listening to happy music
Create a different experience
Use your imagination to turn these situations into positive ones.
Did not get the job you wanted-
Ruined your favorite outfit-
Disagreement with best friend-
How to accept things as they are
Letting go of things you cant control
focusing on your response and energy
Signs of depression
inability to take care of self or tasks, feeling of numbness, lack of wanting to do things that brought you joy, lack of energy, insomnia
Mindfulness Skills
5 senses
being present
observe, describe , participate
How to use comparison
Reach out to someone in similar situation and get advise
Reflect on how you delt with similar situations
Research the issue at hand and do what you can
Make a pros and cons list
Relaxation Skills
going for a walk
listening to calming music
Accepting Reality
Changing Attitude
Finding a Solution
Learning Mindfulness
Mindfulness Teaching
Teaching Meditation
Teaching coping skills
Teaching tthoughtfulness
Distracting Skills
List what five distracting skills you will use for sight, sound, taste, smell, touch
Find the meaning or purpose of a situation
Didn't get job you wanted-
Ruined fav outfit-
Argument with friend-
Take control of
accept the situation
change what you can control
Resources Available
Oscar team, Chaplin, Crisis line, Support system, Therapist, family, previous created coping skills, church, community group, friend group