Coal is formed from decayed plant life and through a process called
Energy resource that comes from using wood, grasses, and other plant based materials. Fuel created is ethanol.
Bioenergy or Biomass
When a mineral deposit is large enough and valuable enough for it to be extracted from the ground it is know as an......
What continent has the most water scarcity?
Morocco/Western Sahara is a country in Africa that has the worlds largest reserve of what mineral that is important for fertilizers?
Where does Petroleum/Oil come from
Decayed Marine Animals
Which form of renewable energy does not drive a turbine?
a. Wind
b. Geothermal
c. Solar
d. Hydroelectric
Molten Rock forms mineral as _________ and _________ cool.
Magma and Lava
Process by which fresh water is taken from ocean water to provide humans with freshwater.
What process is involved in transforming the remains of organisms into fossil fuels
What are the 2 Greenhouse gases released when burning and drilling for oil and natural gas?
Carbon Dioxide and Methane
What kind of places on Earth do you need to get Geothermal Energy?
Geological Hot Spots, Areas of Tectonic activity or where magma is closer to the surface.
Old corals form hard layer exoskeletons that deposit calcium carbonate / limestone and is buried in the oceans and where ocean used to be. What is this type of mineral formation?
Organic material
What is a way that copper and cobalt mining harmful to the environment?
The most abundant water resource on Earth is what type of water?
Ocean water or salt water.
a. Bituminous
b. Anthracite
c. Lignite
Why is Hydroelectric Energy not occuring everywhere?
Need landscape and terrain to dam water and have a river system to place it to be effective.
How does crystalized rock salt or Halite form?
Evaporated salt water areas.
Underwater resource of freshwater is called.
Water is mostly used by humans for what 2 things?
Agriculture and Industry
Process in which Natural Gas is extracted from the Earth
What type of Renewable Energy costs the consumer alot in start up costs, but a long term of savings in the long run?
How is gold and uranium deposited on Earth?
Exploded stars and asteroids/meteors
What regions of Earth hold the largest resource of freshwater?
Polar regions
Why is gold more valuable than silver or copper even though they are shiny and pretty metals too?
Easiest to shape; flatten; roll into wire.
Fastest conductor of electricity of the 3.