If a person's clothes catch on fire during the lab, what safety equipment should be used to extinguish the flame?
Fire blanket
True or False: You can dispose all of the chemicals in the trash can.
This staff member coaches softball.
Ms. Caplis
How should a test tube be placed over the micro-burner when it is being heated?
At an angle with the open end pointed away
True or False: You can leave a flame unattended if you need to return supplies or have a spill
What are the two types of burners we use in class?
Alcohol Burners and Micro-Burners
If glassware breaks in class, where do you dispose it?
The glassware bin
This staff member loves to garden.
Ms. Brophy
What is this called and what is its purpose?
Burner stand - distributes heat evenly
What is the number #1 rule in class?
Be safe and follow safety procedures
What is the procedure for both types of burners if we have a drill during class?
Alcohol burners - cap the flame first, then exit quickly
Micro-burners - turn off the gas, then exit quickly
*Make sure all equipment is turned off first*
What do you use to neutralize an acid?
A base
This staff member loves Starbucks.
Mrs. Flores
What do we call this and what is its purpose?
Scoopula - allows us to transfer solid substances
When should you read lab procedures?
Before the actual lab
The acronym P.A.S.S. stands for what when using a fire extinguisher?
Pull (the pin), Aim (at the base of the fire), Squeeze (the handle), and Sweep (back and forth at the flame)
What do you use to clean an alcohol spill?
This staff member's daughter has the same name as Ms. Brophy's!
Mrs. Gillaspie
What is this called and what is its purpose?
Test tube rack - holds the test tubes in place and prevents them from rolling
How should you smell a substance in class and what do we call it?
What are the four checks for micro-burners?
1. Check the hose for any tears
2. Turn the gold pin completely to the right, then 1/4 turn back to the left
3. Close the windows
4. Tighten the barrel
Answer the following eyewash station questions:
- Do you need nurse supervision when using the eyewash?
- Where is the eyewash located?
- Should you close your eyes when using it?
- How long should you use it for?
- No nurse supervision
- Eyewash is located in the front
- You should keep your eyes open the entire time
- You need to use it for a minimum of 15 minutes
This staff member was a ballerina.
Mrs. Pekic
What is this and what is its purpose?
Glass elbow with rubber stopper - acts as a passageway so that liquids and gases can transfer from one container to another
What is proper labwear?
- Closed toed shoes
- Rolled up sleeves
- Hair tied back
- Dangly jewelry off
- Goggles at all times