Which of the 3 R's involves going to an adult after you have tried using the problem solving tools and strategies but they still don't work and the problem continues?
Hint: You usually need the help of an adult/supervisor
The size of the problem should match the size of the _________?
The two types of categories to consider for your friendships are red flags and ____ flags.
Green flags
What are the 4 zones of regulation?
Green Zone
Yellow Zone
Red Zone
Why did the banana go to the doctor?
It wasn't peeling well
Which of the 3 R's involves being impulsive, making assumptions, and using our body/words before thinking?
List the 5 levels of the problem solving scale.
HINT: It starts with Glitch
List 2 examples of what would be considered a friendship green flag
Trustworthy, get along, honest, share interests, play together, kind to each other, you can be yourself around them, encourage/support each other, they respect your boundaries, they are okay with you doing things without them.
What are two strategies you can use when you are in the red zone?
Take a deep breath, walk away, ask for a break, lemon squeeze, talk to someone
What is the response to the saying "see you later alligator"
"In a while, crocodile"
Which of the 3 R's involves thinking a situation through before you act and using problem solving strategies to try and solve it?
Which problem level would be something minor that you can handle yourself, like forgetting to bring a pencil to class?
List 2 examples of what would be a friendship red flag
Not trustworthy, don't include you, unkind words or actions, controlling, break promises, make your decisions for you, don't like you hanging with other people.
What are 2 strategies you can use when you are in the blue zone?
Go for a walk, move around, ask for a break, get a drink, talk to someone about how you feel.
The more you take, the more you leave behind
Sam and John were playing soccer with more friends at recess. While playing, Sam went to kick the ball and slid into John, causing both of them to fall over. John immediately got angry and stood up to kick Sam in the leg, then walked away saying he was not going to play soccer with Sam anymore.
Was John's behaviour reacting, responding, or reporting?
Which problem level involves multiple people, problem solving strategies are not working, and you need the help of an adult?
Big Problem
What is it called when a person is spreading rumours about someone and sharing things about them with other people?
Bonus 100 points: Is this an example of a red flag or green flag?
Gossiping. It is a friendship red flag and sign that you might not have a healthy friendship.
If someone is having a big problem and has a big reaction to yell, get very frustrated, and feel like they want to hit someone, they are in what zone?
Red zone
How does an ocean say hello?
It waves!
During gym, Sarah and Suzie were playing a volleyball game and Suzie accidently got hit in the face with the ball. Sarah asked Suzie if she was okay and when it appeared that Suzie's head was really hurt, Sarah went to tell her teacher what happened.
Was Sarah's behaviour reacting, responding, or reporting?
Responding and/or reporting!
Sarah tried using strategies to fix it by asking if Suzie was okay, but it was a situation that needed the help of an adult, so it is okay to report it.
Paul and a classmate names Chase are outside at recess and arguing over whether Chase got a penalty in soccer. Chase is getting very mad and yelling and went to kick Paul's leg.
Does Chase's reaction match the size of his problem?
No, he is having too big of a reaction for the problem. He should have used a problem solving strategy like taking a deep breath or walking away to calm down instead of kicking.
Sally and Suzie are very good friends. During recess, Sally sometimes wants to play tag with a group of girls while Suzie likes to play soccer with a different group. They are honest with each other and okay with the fact that they don't always have to hang out.
Is this an example of friendship red flags or green flags?
Green flags. They are not controlling about who each other hangs out with and can still remain friends even when they don't always hang out.
In what zone is a person calm, ready to learn, able to think things through, and happy?
Green zone
What is at the end of everything?
The letter "g"