What is Multi-Tiered System of Support
IEP or 504 developed for...
What is students with special needs/disabilities
At least one member of the MTSS core team
School counselor, School psychologist, Principal, Reading Specialist, Speech/Language Pathologist, ESL Teacher
What is assessment
An example of an issue that students are facing:
What is bullying, substance abuse, social isolation, grief, sexual identity and involvement, racism
What is Free Appropriate Public Education
School counselor responsible for monitoring and updating this plan
What is a 504 Plan
Investigating student progress is dependent on...
What is data
These assessments usually include a manual where counselors can find answers to the above questions
What is a standardized assessment
In addition to being at higher risk for child abuse, students in special education are also more susceptible to issues of substance abuse-- True or False
What is True
What is the Least Restrictive Environment
Developing IEP goals, objectives, related service needs, and placement decisions should be done with collaboration between...
Referrals to the MTSS/RtI team can be made for what reasons?
Speech/Language, Processing, Cognitive/Academic concerns, Behavioral concerns, OT/PT, Mental Health
An example of a standardized assessment
What is the ASVAB, Beck Depression Inventory, Intelligence Assessments, Personality Inventories, SAT, Strong Interest Inventory (careers), ACT
Currently at the forefront of media posts, discussion boards, in-person discussions....
What is racism, Black Lives Matter
What is an Individualized Education Plan
In regards to FERPA, parents have a right to access what information?
All records- this includes school counselor notes, logs that are maintained in school files
By federal law, the state must identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities in the state who need special education and related services. This is referred to as..
What is Child Find
Gathering information about the problem behavior a student is displaying, using a variety of assessments, in order to get the best picture possible
What is a FBA (Functional Behavioral Assessment)
The Supreme Court recently ruled in a 6-3 decision that...
"An employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender defies the law"
What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Confidentiality between student and counselor should be maintained unless a student says/does..
What is says they are going to harm themselves or someone else
One includes Tiers of Academic support, while the other also addresses the social/emotional and behavioral concerns of students
What is a difference between RTI and MTSS
What is an assessment that school counselors will frequently conduct?
What are career assessments
Given the most recent events occurring (namely racism and LGBTQ rulings), if you were asked to decorate your school counselor office door with ONE word-- what would it be?
Answers vary