The definition of "segregation"
The physical separation of two groups of people.
This term applies to students with specialized needs or disabilities.
Define tactile learning.
Hands-on learning.
The definition of observational learning.
We learn by observing someone else’s behavior and its consequences.
Describe the "locust of control"
It refers to our beliefs about the power we have over our lives.
The definition of "assimilation"
Giving up ones identity to fit into the dominant culture.
This man came up with the theory of multiple intelligence's.
Howard Gardner
Name two learning styles.
Visual learners, kinesthetic learners, tactile learners, auditory learners.
Define "self-efficacy"
Our level of confidence in our own abilities (developed through our social experience).
The definition of biological determinism.
People are born with their personality traits.
This analogy is often used to describe pluralism.
A salad bowl
A reason one might argue against accommodations in school.
Some students are being given an unfair advantage, which may diminish opportunities for other students.
One way an auditory learner might learn best.
Through lectures, videos/podcasts, group discussions...
This is how a behavioralist views personality.
Personality is shaped by outside reinforcements and consequences.
The "Jim Crow" laws declared...
That "blacks" and "whites" must be segregated.
This term is often described as a "melting pot."
Name 4/8 of the Multiple Intelligences.
Word smart, picture smart, number/logic smart, body smart, people smart, self smart, music smart, nature smart.
One way a visual learner might learn best.
Reading text, video, seeing images/graphs...
Reciprocal determinism is an idea that suggests...
Our behavior, cognitive processes, and situational context all influence each other.
Those who believe in meritocracy may perceive unequal educational accommodations to be ____.
This case stated that "separate but equal" was constitutional.
Plessey vs. Ferguson
Something people that don’t perceive America to be a true meritocracy, may argue.
That the unequal distribution of educational resources is the only fair way to level the playing field so that every student has an equal opportunity to succeed.
This learning type is the most difficult to accommodate. Explain why.
Tactile because it doesn't fit many concepts that are taught.
Describe the difference between an internal and external locust of control.
Internal: most of our outcomes are the direct result of our efforts.
External: peoples' lives are controlled by other people, luck, or chance.
Define de facto segregation and give an example.
Segregation that cannot be abolished by any court mandate. Example: neighborhood, borough, parish...