80s Music
90s Movies
2K Technology
When in Rome
This artist had the most #1 Singles in the 1980s?
Who is Michael Jackson?
In this film, a sports agent never wanted his clients to know what kind of up at dawn, pride swallowing siege it was for him to be able to "show his clients the money".
What is Jerry Maguire?
This TV series ran for 10 seasons, with its series finale on NBC being the 4th most watched series finale in TV history featuring a pair of siblings, a childhood bestfriend, a college roommate, a masseuse, and an actor.
What is Friends?
This tablet computer, the first of its kind, was released in April 2010.
What is an iPAD?
This is one of the most famous sights in all of Italy; it's nearly 2000 years old and the largest amphitheatre in the whole of the former Roman Empire; it was used for games and spectacles for almost 500 years and could hold some 50,000 people.
What is the Colosseum?
This band started in 1985 and had an "Appetite for Destruction", despite a Spaghetti Incident in the early 90's.
What is Guns N' Roses?
Project Mayhem, lead by Tyler Durden, showed us a different side of Meat Loaf. This film from 1999 made sure that we knew the first and second rule of this club was to not talk about it.
What is Fight Club?
Although this animated series debuted in 1999 on Fox, it wasn't until it was brought back in 2005 that it received more mainstream success.
What is Family Guy?
This company released a self-driving car in 2011, along with a protoype that features no wheels or pedals in 2014.
What is Google?
This is the offical residence of the Pope; originally known as the Cappella Magna.
What is the Sistine Chapel?
With lyrics like, "9 lives, cat's eyes", this song was a tribute to this band's former lead singer.
What is "Back in Black" by AC/DC?
This Quentin Tarantino 1994 film introduced us to fast food and the metric system, a failed TV pilot (Fox Force Five) that became the premise of two later movies, and a briefcase that serves as a MacGuffin.
What is Pulp Fiction?
This HBO series saw the protagonist visiting a shrink as he dealt with "family" problems in New York/New Jersey.
What is the Sopranos?
This internet browser became the most used web browser in the world in 2012.
What is Google Chrome?
This freestanding bell tower is the cathedral of an Italitan city and is known worldwide for its unintended tilt.
What is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
This artist, a girl who just wanted to have fun, had her first album go platinum 6xs in 1983 and added Wrestling Manager to her list of roles in 1985 at Wrestlemania I
Who is Cyndi Lauper?
This Stephen King adaptation performed poorly at the box office in 1994, however it has become a financial success with TV licensing and home entertainment figures. Although nominated for 7 academy awards in 1994, it won none.
What is the Shawshank Redemption?
This reality show, going on 14 seasons, has been the beginning for several musical artists such as Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.
What is American Idol?
This spacecraft was the first private commerical spacecraft to successfully attach to the International Space Station, and the first commercial spacecraft to rendezvous with another spacecraft.
What is the Space X Dragon?
This was a defensive barrier constructed around the city of Rome in the early 4th century BC.
What is the Servian Wall?
Although you might know him now as a Grammy Host or Special Agent, he couldn't live without his radio on his debut album in 1985 that was produced by Rick Rubin
Who is LL Cool J?
Featuring Tom Hanks and Tim Allen, this film earned over 10xs its budget in 1995. This was also the production company Pixar's first feature film release.
What is Toy Story?
This edgy drama showed us that pink is not the new black.
What is Orange is the New Black?
In 2012, this company became the largest mobile phone maker in the world.
What is Samsung?
This is the first major site upon entering Palatine Hill. It served as the primary residence of Caesar Augustus during his reign.
What is the House of Augustus?