Personal Accountability
Type of bias

The condition of having or being composed of differing elements: variety  

What is diversity?

Any training that helps you become aware of your bias, stereotypes, and more humble in learning and understanding others' culture. 

What are culturally responsive trainings?


Any training offered to staff to help develop their cultural humility.

What are culturally responsive trainings?


an unconscious association with a stereotype, belief about, or attitude toward any individual or identity group. A relatively common example is the assumption that an older person is not as skilled in the latest technology as a younger person.

What is implicit bias?


The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.

What is power?


The quality of being fair and impartial… specifically: freedom from bias or favoritism.

What is Equity?


Being open minded, asking the right questions, selecting appropriate screening and assessment instruments, and choosing effective treatment providers and modalities for each client. Moreover, it involves identifying culturally relevant concerns and issues that should be addressed to improve the client’s process through any system.

What is cultural responsiveness?


A collaborative meeting designed to produce the best joint decisions concerning a child's safety and placement and includes parents, family members, community partners, service providers, and the family's support network.

What is Child and Family Team Meeting?


Individuals are aware—or conscious—of their beliefs, prejudices, and attitudes toward other people and identity groups.

What is explicit bias?


A difference in level or treatment, especially one that is seen as unfair.

What is disparity?


The state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities.

What is equality?


Suggests that social workers should not view themselves as experts in other people’s cultures but as learners.  By acknowledging that we do not know everything about another persons’ culture, we are showing respect and are open to learning. We treat clients as experts in their own lives, including their experiences in and perspective about their culture.

What is cultural humility?


An evidence-based suite of decision-support tools that promote safety and well-being for children and adults.

What is Structured Decision Making?


An emotional response that overshadows one's ability to be unbiased.

What is vividness bias?


Refers to a group’s representation in a particular category that exceeds expectations for that group or differs substantially from the representation of others in that category.

What is disproportionality?


The act or practice of including and accommodating people who have historically been excluded (as because of their race, gender, sexuality, or ability).

What is inclusion?


The work of actively opposing racism wherever it exists, such as in personal interactions, processes, policies, or other elements of our environment that may be influenced by bias.

What is anti-racism?


A best practice approach to casework designed to encourage all involved with the child to focus on assessing and enhancing child safety. It emphasizes developing good working relationships, working as a team with the family, use of critical thinking and creating detailed plans for enhancing child safety. 

What is Safety Organized Practice?


Looking for information to confirm what our beliefs already are.

What is confirmation bias?


Unearned advantages and benefits, which are often not consciously recognized or acknowledged.

What is invisible knapsack?


Engages full potential of the individual, where innovation thrives, and views, beliefs and values are integrated.  

What is belonging?


The active support of a person with social power for others without that power. In other words, you advocate for others with less privilege than you to help promote their voices and experiences.

What is allyship?


Established in 2016 to support child welfare staff and leaders in their efforts to achieve equity in their organization and confront issues of disproportionality and disparity of services that impact the children and families involved in the Child Welfare System.

What is Cultural Responsiveness Academy?


The worst kind of bias...

What is explicit bias?


To give an advantage to one person or group of people and not to others based off of position, wealth, ethnicity, etc. 

What is privilege?
