Animal-Like Protists
Fungus-Like Protists
Plant-Like Protists
Bacteria vs. Archaea (Morphology, Nutrition, Habitats)
Aquatic, animal-like heterotrophs that ingest or absorb their food.
What is Protozoans
Fungus-like, heterotrophic protists.
What is Slime Moulds (terrestrial) and Water Moulds (aquatic).
Plant-like, autotrophic protists.
What is Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, and Euglenoids.
Largest and most complex protists. Key components of marine and tidal environments. Some species of kelp can grow to be 60m in height. In cool waters kelp can grown in density to form underwater forests. Members of this group have many specialized tissues. The structure that anchors the algae to a rock/shell is called a holdfast. A long stem-like structure called a stripe extends from the holdfast. From the stripe grow flat, leaf-like blades used to collect light, take in CO2 and give off O2.
What is Brown Algae.
Shape: cocci, bacilli, spiral Cubes, pyramids, rods with star-shaped cross sections Streptoccis and Streptobacillius form
What is Morphology of Bacteria.
Amoebas are most familiar in this group - they live in salt water, fresh water and mud. There surface is a cell membrane without a cell wall. This means they change shape, using their internal cytoskeleton. Pseudopods (extensions from the cytoplasm) are used for both feeding and locomotion.
What is Cercozoans.
Tiny slug-like organisms that creep over damp, decaying plant material in forests or fields. They contain many nuclei and feed by engulfing small food particles into their cytoplasm.
What is Plasmodial Slime Moulds.
Among the most diverse and abundant phytoplankton and are an important source of food for larger organisms. Members of this group have rigid cell walls with an outer layer of silica. The walls are made of two unequal parts, the smaller of which, fits inside the larger. Most of the time they reproduce asexually by mitosis.
What is Diatoms.
Appear to be the first multicellular organisms on earth. It can grow to a metre in length and are the most abundant algae in the warm coastal waters of tropical oceans. Members contain green chlorophyll and an additional pigment called phycoerythrin that allows them to thrive at ocean depths. This algae appears to be red because their red pigments reflect the red wavelengths of light. Common in sushi.
What is Red Algae.
Shape: cocci, bacilli, spiral Plates and rectangular rods, changeable shapes
What is Morphology of Archaea.
They have short hair-like projections called cilia that cover the surface of the cell. Cilia are used for locomotion and sweeping food particles into the cell. Many species of this group are large and complex.
What is Ciliates.
Exist as individual amoeboid cells with one nucleus each. Each cell feeds by ingesting tiny bacterial or yeast cells. When food becomes scarce, the cells release a chemical that causes them to gather together to form a pseudoplasmodium.
What is Cellular Slime Moulds.
They have two flagella at right angles to each other. They reproduce very quickly thus making the population explosion called a bloom or algal bloom. In species with red photosynthetic pigments, the bloom is called red tide. Some members of this group live inside organisms.
What is Dinoflagellates.
Commonly found in fresh water, though some live in salt water environments. This algae is structurally diverse. Chlamydomonas are unicellular and move using flagella. Volvox are also unicellular and flagellated, but are found in ball-shaped colonies rolling through the water. Multicellular species such as Ulva, can grow to a metre in length. During reproduction Ulva produce spores that swim using flagella.
What is Green Algae.
- Photosynthesis knowns as cyanobacteria - Use solar energy to convert CO2 and H2O into sugar - Abundant in fresh and salt water
What is Nutrition of Bacteria.
They have one or more flagella that they whip from side to side to move. They have a hard, protective covering over their outer membrane. Species are free-living, parasites or are in mutualistic relationships. Members of this group often live in the digestive tract of animals to help the host digest food, or in termite's intestines, converting cellulose to sugars.
What is Flagellates.
Filamentous organisms that resemble fungi. Most live on dead organic matter. Some species are parasites on fish, insects and plants. They extend fungus-like threads into their host's tissues, where they release digestive enzymes and absorb the resulting nutrients.
What is Oomycota Water Moulds.
Many are found in shallow fresh water. Although they have chloroplasts and conduct photosynthesis, they also have flagella and can absorb nutrients. They contain both plant and animal characteristics.
What is Euglenoids.
This type of algae is closest to land plants based on: 1. They both contain chlorophylls a and b in their cells. 2. They both contain cellulose in their cell walls. 3. They both store food in the form of starch.
What is Green Algae.
- Photosynthesis - Methanogensis: produces methane as a by-product - occurs in environments that lack oxygen - Live in digestive tract of animals.
What is Nutrition of Archaea.
Are parasites of animals, taking the nutrients they need from their hosts. Most members of this group alternate from asexual to sexual life cycles. Protists in the genus Plasmodium cause malaria in humans. Protists are transferred to humans from mosquitoes.
What is Sporozoans.
- Occupy environments with oxygen and without oxygen - Extremophilies - Bacteria are Mesophilies as well.
What is Habitats of Bacteria and Archaea.