Important People
Historical Events
Queer History + Racial Justice
Historical Symbols/Signaling

This woman went to space three times and was the first woman and known LGBTQ+ person to have been in space.

Who is Sally Ride?

Fin fact: She didn't come out until after her death. her and her partner Tam O'Shaugnessy decided that it would be safer this way. 


These riots were foundational and have continued impacting queer movements to this day.

What are the Stonewall Riots?


What event did Bayard Rustin help Martin Luther King Jr. organize?

What is the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom?


Name one gay rights group from before the 2000s.

What is ...?

One Inc., The Daughters of Bilitis, The Mattachine Society, Gay Liberation Front, Gay People Princeton, Lavender Menaces, ACT UP, etc.

Fun fact: BRCSJ's very own Frank Mahood was one of the founding members of Gay People Princeton.


In the 1980s is was not common for men to have their ears pierced. What did it mean of a man had only one ear pierced? 

It was a signal to other queer people that he was gay.


Harvey Milk was the first openly gay elected official to this city in California.

What is San Francisco?


This epidemic occurred during the 80s and took the lives of many great artistic voices. Little was done back then to combat this epidemic.

What is the HIV/AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s?


Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw coined this term to describe the unique experiences of being part of more than one oppressed group.

What is intersectionality?


What style of dance formed within Black and Latinx queer communities between the 60s and 80s in and around Harlem, New York?

What is voguing?


Oscar Wilde popularized this flower as a symbol for the LGBTQ+ community.

What is the green carnation?


Willian Darcey Swann was to identify as this kind of performer.

What is a drag queen?

What year was gay marriage legalized in the united states?



In 2013, Bayard Rustin was given this award, the country's highest civilian honor, for his activism. 

What if the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Fun fact: His grandmother was of the the Quaker faith which is based on peace, community, and equality.


The poet Sappho frequently referenced this flower in her works. It has since become commonly used as an important symbol in the queer community.

What is lavender?


What does it mean if someone is "a friend of Dorothy"?

They are part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Fun fact: This phrase was used as a discrete way of asking if someone was queer because non-queer people did not know the phrase.


We celebrate this day each year on November 20th thanks to Gwendolyn Ann Smith. She organized the first celebration in 1999 in honor of Rita Hester, a trans woman who was murdered in 1998.

What is Transgender Day of Remembrance?


This historical event in the 1920s drew many queer artists of color to New York that we still admire today such as Langston Hughes and Zora Neal Hurston. The name is inspired by the location where it took place.

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


This female poet, philosopher, and activist, born in New York in 1934 is known for her passionate expression of African American identity, lesbian feminism, and racial injustice.

Who is Audre Lord?


This member of the British Royal Family famously shook hands with HIV/AIDS patients while many still thought you could contract the disease through touch.

Who is Princess Diana?

Fun fact: She opened the UK’s first HIV/AIDs unit at London Middlesex Hospital, a space that only cared for patients with the disease.


The rainbow pride flag debuted at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade celebration on June 25, 1978. At the request of Harvey Milk, Gilbert Baker designed this flag to replace what previous symbol for the LGBTQ+ community. 

What is the pink triangle?

Fun fact: An upside down pink triangle was used as a symbol throughout the AIDS epidemic and was often paired with the phrase "SILENCE=DEATH".


This man was fired from the U.S. Army Maps Service for being gay, thus inspiring him to help hundreds of queer people get their jobs back during and after the Lavender Scare.

Who is Frank Kameny?

Fin fact: He also fought to remove homophelia from the DSM-5, organized the first gay rights protests outside of the White House, and was one of the founding members of the Mattachine Society. 


In the 1950s, thousands of queer people were fired from their jobs because President McCarthy theorized that communists and homosexuals has similar peculiar behavior. What is the name commonly used to refer to this event?

What is the Lavender Scare?

Fun facts: It was thought that queer people would give government secrets to Russia. It was also common for people to turn their coworkers in and be forced into taking lie detector tests. Because of the Lavender Scare, queer people in government jobs were not allowed equal access to classified documents until 1995.


Who worked with Marsha P. Johnson in running S.T.A.R (Street Trans Action Revolutionaries) House to provide a home for houseless trans youth of color in New York City?

Who is Sylvia Rivera?


This phrase was the official chant at the first pride march, held in Greenwich Village on June 28, 1970.

What is "Say it loud, gay is proud"?


This form of lesbian signaling emerged as women started entering the workforce.

What is carabiner code?
