He wrote Confessions and City of God.
Saint Augustine.
What two modern countries are on the Iberian Peninsula?
Portugal and Spain!
The poem ____________ was written in ____________ ____________. There's no way you would be able to understand it!
Constantinople was originally names. . .
It's a black cube!
The kabba.
This picture represents a certain political order that the Roman Empire adopted. . .
Hint: how many rulers are there?
The Tetarchy.
They didn't know about this global weather event until relatively recently. . .
The Late Antique Little Ice Age.
Are you telling me that weather and politics are related?Can you name three of the groups who migrated to Britain?
Jutes. Angles. Frisians. Saxons.
He listened to his wife when he was ruling? Who were they? (it's a love <3 story)
Justinian I and Theodora.
Can you name all five pillars???
1. prayer (5 times a day)
2. alms
3. fasting
4. hajj (trip to mecca)
5. profession of faith (no god but allah and muhammed is his prophet)
If it's the 4th century, you probably wouldn't want this guy to invade you. . .
Attila the Hun.
The population of Rome shrank from 500,000 to less than 50,000 by AD ____________?
Hint: be within 100 years and you get it right.
Technically the word "Lord" means this:
"loaf-guardian" or "keeper of the bread".
Sports fans had a riot. I guess they didn't have enough bread?
The Nika Riots.
What was the first dynasty after the Rashidun caliphate?
He sacked Rome. Quote from the book: ". . . they did kill a lot of people and stole whatever they could carry off".
You must also guess what group he belonged to.
Alaric. Visigoths.
These guys are not orthodox Christians because they think Jesus Christ was a "created" being and is therefore somehow "lower" or "less".
Rejected as heresy by most Christians.
Historians rely heavily on this guy. He was a monk who wrote about the terrible nasty pagans invading England.
His books are called On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain and The Ecclesiastical History of the Angles.
What are two ways Justinian modified the law?
1. banned pagan schools
2. consolidated the law into the "Collection of Civil Law"
3. held meetings to sort out disagreements among Christians
What are two things Muslims believe about Jesus?
1. he was a prophet
2. he was not the son of God
3. he will appear during the end times at a mosque
He was the last "official" Roman Empire. What a depressing role to play in world History!
Theodosius I.
When the Romans rules, most of the leaders togas. But that all changed when the Germanics came in! Germanic leaders typically wore ____________ ____________.
Military apparel.
Who lived up north, in modern-day Scotland?
Byzantine Emperors had to give gold/brides to these horsemen from the north.
What are the two branches of Islam?
1. Sunni
2. Shiites