If you see someone sad and alone, you should..
Ask them if they need help or want to play.
At the carpet, how do we sit?
Crisscross, hands to self, eyes on the speaker, mouth closed, and hand up to speak.
If someone is using something we want..
We wait patiently and say please, or ask someone else.
When I want something from Ms.M or another adult, I say..
Chair monitors..
Put up all the class chairs on the desks.
If a friend gets hurt at recess or lunch.
Check on them and take them to get a bandaid if they need it.
At our desk, if we need help or have a question, we..
Put up your hand to ask.
If someone forgot how to do something..
We give them a friendly reminder and remember we're all learning and it's ok to make mistakes.
When Ms.M or another adult has given me an item or helped me, I say..
Thank You
Recycling chief..
Dumps the little recycling into the big bin.
When there's a line-up for something you really want to do.
Wait your turn. You can ask politely when they will be done.
During quite work time..
You work quietly at your desk, or with a clipboard at the carpet if you ask Ms. M.
If we can see someone needs help but Ms. M is busy.
Go over and offer to help them out.
If I want to say something, but the teacher is talking..
I wait until they are done and put up my hand.
Library helpers
Help tidy up the library and put books back on the shelf.
When you are playing a game and you think someone isn't being fair or cheated.
Talk to them nicely. If they don't listen, join a new game. If it gets bad, find a supervision aid.
Working with a partner, or small group.
You don't put down others' ideas, and you listen nicely, and take turns.
If I have a connection to something Ms.M or the special helper talked about..
I do the chain-link with my hands.
If I don't agree, or want to do something in a different way.
I ask nicely and explain my point of view. It still may not be possible to change though..
Lights helper..
Pulls the blinds down and turns off the lights.
We go inside during recess and lunch only when..
You need to use the bathroom or want a quick drink of water. Try to bring your water bottle outside.
How do we walk in the hallway?
Tight to the right. Sometimes we need to be patient and wait our turn.
If I'm sitting next to my best friend and want to talk about something else that has nothing to do with what we're working on..
Wait until recess or lunch, or we're done our work and have free time.
If I need to use the bathroom..
Hand symbol and wait for Ms.M to say yes, and name on the board. Please erase it when back.
Clean-up crew..
Use the broom and dust pans to clean-up the floors.