A peanut vendor has 640 bags of peanuts. She sold the same number of bags of peanuts at each of 8 baseball games. How many bags of peanuts did she sell at each game?
80 bags of peanuts
Determine your quotient: 19 ÷ 4
4 r3
There are 4 students on a team for relay race. How many teams can be made with a class of 28 students?
7 teams
A number(product) that grows larger by using a particular pattern.
Using the information given, draw an area model (array) to determine the quotient. You need the area model from all members to receive credit: 85 ÷ 5
Eight teams of high school students helped cleaned up trash. After the cleanup, the students shared 21 pizzas equally. How many pizzas did each team receive?
7 whole pizzas
There are 126 students who signed up to learn how to play lacrosse. If there are 6 students in each group, how many groups are there?
21 groups