Think about factors of 10
Divide or Multiply
More Dividing
Word Problems

320 ÷ 4



Katelyn wanted to find out the total number of minutes she practiced her math facts. If she practices 15 minutes a day, how many minutes will she practice in 1 week?

15 minutes * 7 days = 105 minutes

Katelyn will practice for 105 minutes in 1 week.


Answer to a division equation.



45 ÷ 2

22 R1


Ryan had 49 crackers. He divided them equally among 4 friends. How many were left over?

49 ÷ 4 = 12 R1

One cracker is left over.


4200 ÷ 6



Anthony wants to spend his earnings from mowing lawns. He earned $486 and wants to buy six different iPhones. How much money can he spend on each iPhone?

$486 ÷ 6 games = $81 each

Anthony can spend $81 on each iPhone.


Name of the number that does the dividing. For example the "45" in 5678 ÷ 45 =



69 ÷ 8

8 R5


There are 26 cookies and 7 people. Can each person have 4 cookies? If no, then how many can they have?

No, they can each have 3.


Using mental math, tell which will have a greater quotient. Be prepared to explain.

2400 ÷ 4   OR   7200 ÷ 9

7200 ÷ 9 = 800  because 2400 ÷ 4 = 600


In May, 48,000 people attended the San Diego Zoo. The same amount of people went to the zoo each of the 4 weeks of the month.  How many people went to the zoo each week?

48,000 ÷ 4 = 12,000 people each week

12,000 people went to the zoo each week.


Name of the number that is being divided.



Makayla and six of her friends open their own lemonade stand during the summer. They bought 75 lemons to share to make their lemonade. How many lemons will be leftover?

75 ÷ 7 = 10 R5


Bob has 115 bricks he is using to build a mini house. Bob AND his 5 friends are going to move the bricks with their pick-up trucks. Each truck will carry the same number of bricks. How many bricks will each truck carry? 

115 ÷ 5 = 23

Each truck will carry 23 bricks.


A herd of bison roamed 640 miles in 8 months. How many more months will it take for them to reach 800 total miles.

640/8 is 80 miles per month. It will take them 2 more months to reach 800 total miles. 


Jack earned 534 points on 6 tests.  What's the average amount of points he scored on each test?

534 ÷ 6 = 89 points

Jack scored 89 points on each test.


Bonus! This question can count for either team.

True or false?

It is good to struggle a little bit during math.


Struggle and persistence leads to better understanding over time. Just like a marathon runner take time to train up to 26.1 miles, so do your math skills.


Harrison wanted to ride the roller coaster at 6 flags. There are 34 people in line, and each row can seat 3 people. In line, how many rows will be needed?

34 ÷ 3 = 11 R1; 12 rows will be needed


Julia needs to divide 595 packs of stickers among 17 friends. 

There are 48 stickers in each pack. How many stickers will each friend get?  (This question requires 2 steps)

step 1: 595 ÷ 17 = 35

step 2: 35 x 48 = 1680 stickers

Each friend will get 1680 stickers.


Ayla's family and 2 of her friends went to Hawaii. Admission to the park costs a total of $320. If there were 6 people including Ayla in her family and everyone paid the same amount, how much did each person pay?

Each person paid $40.


A train travels about 8100 miles in 9 hours. How many miles does it travel each hour?

8100 ÷ 9 = 900 miles each hour


DOUBLE POINTS! Write out which number is the Dividend, Divisor, and Quotient AND solve!


63 is Quotient (And Answer)

756 is Dividend

12 is Divisor


Eleni bought a set of beads to make bracelets. There are 4 types of beads and a total of 96 beads. If the total is divided equally, how many of each bead does Eleni have?

96 ÷ 4 = 24

Eleni has 24 beads for each type of bead.


Andre is throwing a party. He has 582 chocolates and wants to divide them equally into 7 party favor bags. How many chocolates should he put in each bag?

582 divided by 7 = 83 with a remainder

Andre will put 83 chocolates in each bag.
