Narrative Perspective
Figurative Language
In this area, commerce was king
What is North
Leslie sat in front of Paul. Paul wanted to pull her pigtails, wrap his fist around it, and yank. He thought it would be fun to tie them together
What is 3rd Person Limited
Like burnt-out torches by a sick man's bed
What is Simile
Sally arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5. Sally also sees that the lights are off in their house. Sally can infer that
What is Her mother is not yet home.
Spirituals are
What is Folk songs that originated among enslaved and oppressed African Americans
Cotton ruled
What is The South
And we scrounged. Next to survival, scrounge was probably the most important word in our new vocabulary. We found a store that was throwing out water-damaged mattresses
What is 1st Person
When the stars threw down their spears, and water'd heaven with their tears
What is Personification
Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. What type of job does Paul work?
What is Construction
Spirituals helped to replace
What is African religious traditions
What did slaves develop?
What is A unique style of music, the black spirituals
Once you have your grill assembled... You will have an easier time with a spot that is sheltered from the wind.
What is 2nd person
The leaves are little yellow fish/swimming in the river
What is Metaphor
At the restaurant, the health inspector just walked through the screen door that had no screeen. Flies scattered. Employees wondered if the mouse traps had been emptied. The cashier stared fearfully. The cook quick looked down. Who reported the restaurant to the health inspector?
What is The fry cook
Plantation owners encouraged field hands to sing because they feared
What is Discontent among the slaves
Writers began to focus on portraying real life as ordinary people lived it
What is Realism
Marilla's lips twitched understandingly. She had expected Rachel to say this... Rachel was astonished. Rachel was quiet and did not know what to say
What is 3rd person Omniscient
By the lakes that thus outspread/Their lone waters, lone and dead/Their sad waters, sad and chilly
What is Personification
Cassied looked up at the clock and shouted, "Holy Cow!" She jumped out of bed, threw on an outfit, wiped her teeth, grabbed her books and ran out the door. What is Cassie's problem?
What is She is late for school
Enslaved African Americans were hidden and transported by the
What is Underground Railroad
What three things brough about a loss of innnocence in this country?
What is Civil War, Closing of the frontier and industrialization
At the pizza place, Tony was getting the pizzas ready for baking. He flattened out a ball of dough and tossed it in the air. His wife called.
What is 3rd person Objective
I had a ton of homework
What is Hyperbole
Kyle ran into his house and slammed the door behind him. He paused with his back to the wall and tried to catch his breath. The puppy in his coat struggled to get out. Kyle looked out the window worriedly, but he saw that nobody was coming. Then he let the puppy out of his jacket. The puppy yelped while Kyle took the collar off of him. He threw the collar in an old soup can in the trash, carefully flipping over the can. The dog looked around nervously. Why is Kyle out of breath?
What is Kyle has taken the puppy.
The language of some songs provided a means to communicate
What is Forbidden thoughts and feelings