The third book of the bible
In 1884, Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was legally incorporated. Who was the President?
Charles Taze Russell
I am the half sister of Abraham. I laughed when the angels said I would bare a child but denied it out of fear.
Sarah - Gen 20:12; 18:10-15
"This is at last bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh..."
Gen ; Ex ; Lev ; Num ; Duet
How many books of the bible are in the Christian Greek Scriptures
What were the witness called before being known as Jehovah's Witnesses?
Bible Students
Gabriel - Dan 8:1,25-26
"You are coming against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I am coming against you in the name of Jehovah of armies..."
Vashti - Esther 2:1-17
Which Bible book has the highest number of chapters?
Theme for the last International Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses.
"Love Never Fails" - 2019
Ehud - Judg 3:12-14
"Here I am! Send me"
Isaiah - Isai 6:8
Test yourself!
How long did it take to complete writing the whole bible?
About 1600 years
Naomi - Ruth 1:18-21
"So how could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?"
Joseph - Gen 39:9
How old is the oldest recorded man in the bible?
Get 500 extra if you can correctly list the writers of 1st and 2nd Samuel
Samuel, Gad & Nathan
Who famously said these words while giving a talk?
"Advertise! Advertise! Advertise the King and his Kingdom"
Judge Rutherford
I was an army officer in command of 100 soldiers of the Italian band. Instructed by an angel, I summoned Peter who was at Joppa. I received the free gift of the holy spirit and was later baptised.
CORNELIUS - Act 10:1-22
Its a trap!!!
200points deducted from your total
Which Bible character is known for his excellent example of Faith, yet there is not even one word he uttered that is recorded in the bible?
Paul wrote more books of the bible than any other bible penman. How many books were they?
In 1993, the largest recorded baptism of true Christians took place in Ukraine, Kiev. How many were baptized?
7402 people
I am one of the youths of the Jewish royalty or nobility taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar in 617 B.C.E. My name is Azariah. The Chaldeans, however, gave me another name. What is it?
Abednego - Dan 1:7
"keep your senses in all things … do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry"
Paul - 2 Tim 4:5
Follow the example of Dorcas (Tabitha). She was well known for her generosity. Now its your turn!
Gift any team of your choice with 500 points!
Name any 7 bible books of the small of the Minor Prophets. Get 100points for each one you get correct. Minus 100 points for every incorrect one.
Hosea ; Joel ; Amos ; Obadiah ; Jonah ; Micah ; Nahum ; Habakkuk ; Zephaniah ; Haggai ; Zechariah ; Malachi
My name means "Bringer of Ostracism". I am the son or Carmi of the house of Zabdi of the family of Zerah and of the Tribe of Judah. I am also known as Achar.
If correct, steal 300 points from another team. If incorrect only 300 points deducted.
Achan - 1 Ch 2:7
"How long will you be limping between two different opinions? If Jehovah is the true God, follow him; but if Baal is, follow him!"
Elijah - 1 Kings 18:21
Correctly list the events of each of the creative days. Day 1-7. Get 100 Points for each correct Answer. Minus 100 Points for each incorrect answer.
Day 1 - Light ; Day 2 - Expanse (seperation of water above and beneath ; Day 3 - Dry Land and Vegetation ; Day 4 - Heavenly Luminaries ; Day 5 - Fish and Birds ; Day 6 - Land Animals & Humans ; Day 7 - Rest
Moses - Gen ; Exo ; Lev ; Num ; Duet ; Job
I violated my father's oath of abstinence from food until vengeance had been taken on our enemies. I was sentenced to death but I was redeemed, for I was instrumental in gaining victory over our enemies.
Jonathan 1 Sa 14:1-45
"Woman, why is that of concern to me and to you? My hour has not yet come"
Jesus - John 2:4
Risk Taker!!!!!!!!
Add or Subtract the number of points earned by the previous team
Which book is believed to be the last Bible book to be written?
Gospel of John or 1 -3rd John - 98 C.E
Eureka Drama
I am Aaronic Priest, a scholar and expert copyist and teacher of the law. I wrote the two books of Chronicles and I was credited with beginning the compilation of the books of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Ezra - 7:1-6,10
"Give me this authority also, so that anyone on whom I lay my hands may receive holy spirit"
Simon - Acts 8:19
Name the 7th Plague from the 10 Plagues of Egypt.
Hail - Ex 9:18-21
When John wrote the Book of Revelation, where was he?
Island of Patmos - Rev 1:9
4 members of the governing body were appointed at the same time, 1 has finished his earthly course, name the 3 that remain.
David H. Splane ;M. Stephen Lett & Samuel F. Herd
Guy H. Pierce - October 2 1999
I am the father to Maher-shalal-hash-baz.
Isaiah - Isai 8:1-4
"I well know your presumptuousness and the bad intentions of your heart; you came down just to see the battle"
Eliab - 1 Sam 17:28
Name the 5 names used to refer to Peter
He is known as Symeon in Hebrew and its Greek equivalent, Simon, and as Peter and its Semitic equivalent, Cephas. The apostle is also identified as Simon Peter, a combination of two names.—Matt. 10:2; John 1:42; Acts 15:14