True or False: I get to choose which job I want to do on any given day?
False: One of the adults will tell you which job you are doing
Where does your journal belong during the day?
In the basket on top of the chromebook cart
False. Sticks are banned! They are not safe
I really have to go to the bathroom, I need to...
Ask a teacher, sign out, and get take a pass.
I want to say something while Ms. Butler, another teacher, or student is talking, I need to
Raise my hand and wait to be called on
If your job is to load the dishwasher, but you notice the dishes in the dishwasher are clean, what should you do?
Put the clean dishes away first
After you are finished filling out your journal, you need to
raise your hand so an adult can come sign it
TRUE! If you scream, you will be asked to come back inside.
True or False: I can eat in the hallway
I'm SOOOOOO thirsty. True or False: I can get up and get water and interrupt in the middle of class to do it.
False. Please raise your hand and ask first
You notice that one of your classmates isn't doing their job. You should...
Mind your own business, it's not your job to tell other students what to do (a teacher will handle it :))
When you are finished filling out your journal and an adult has checked it, where should you put it?
In your backpack
I really want to use Dylan's wand. I should...
Ask him first. He might say no and that's ok!
True or False: I can walk through the hallway without a hall pass
One of my classmates is running a check-in. I should
be sitting quietly at my desk
Your job is to take the recycling to the recycling bin. Don't forget to...
Tell an adult before you leave! AND take a hall pass!
False. It's important to reflect on your day! and your parents would love to know how it went :)
You can be on the swing for no longer than
5 minutes at a time
I am in a hurry to get to my next class, I should
Walk. Even if you are running late, you still need to walk.
True or False: It is approriate to ask Ms. Butler every single period "what are we doing next?"
FALSE. Just wait.
You finished your job early, what should you do?
Help your other classmates complete their jobs
Get an extra journal sheet from Ms. Butler and fill it out. Remember to bring your journal tomorrow!
When I'm outside and adults are giving me directions, I should
listen to them and follow the direction
I see a piece of trash on the floor in the hallway, I should
When you come back from other class, you should