The triangular trade was located over this ocean
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
Columbus "sailed the ocean blue" in this year
What is 1492?
The Columbian Exchange was named after this man
Who is Christopher Columbus?
The name for Central and South America combined
What is Latin America?
The first black president of the United States of America
Who is Barack Obama?
The Triangular Trade was between these continents
What are the Americas (North and South), Europe, and Africa?
This ship was smaller than a galleon but faster and more reliable, and helped expeditions to the Americas
What is a caravel?
The Columbian Exchange was between these hemispheres
What is the Western and Eastern hemispheres?
The name given to someone of European descent born in Latin America
What is creole?
The 7 continents
What is North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, and Antartica?
The Americas raw materials were sent to this continent during the triangular trade
What is Europe?
About ___% of indigenous people died from diseases the Europeans brought with them. (±10%)
What is 95%?
The main reason the Columbian Exchange was successful
What is colonization?
These 2 countries controlled most of Latin America
What is Portugal and Spain?
The country the United States bought Alaska from
What is Alaska?
The trade route from Africa to the Americas carrying slaves was known as
What is Middle Passage?
This person is credited for being the first person to circumnavigate the Earth
Who is Ferdinand Magellan?
The Columbian exchange brought these diseases to the Americas (Name One)
What is smallpox, influenza (the flu), and measles?
The name of the conquistadors of the Incan and Aztec empires (Name both)
Who are Francisco Pizarro and Hernan Cortes?
The year the Declaration of Independence was signed
What is 1776?
The name that Christopher Columbus gave the Islands he originally landed on
What are the West Indies?
This person actually finished circumnavigating the Earth for the first time
Who is Juan Sebastian Elcano?
The name of the goods brought from the Americas to the Old World
What is New World Goods?
The name of the treaty between Spain and Portugal over Latin America
What is the treaty of Tordesillas?
The name of the richest African king of all time
Who is Mansa Musa?