What does DMS stand for?
Dover Middle School
What time does the bell ring for Homeroom in the morning?
7:20 AM
What are the four core subjects?
Math, Science, LA and Social Studies
How many gym teachers are there?
Where is recess held?
On the front field, or the pavement (or in the gym if the weather is bad)
What are the names of the two musical Encore choices?
Band and Chorus
What time is 5th grade lunch?
11:00 AM
What does LA stand for?
Language Arts
What floor are the Art rooms located on?
3rd floor
Where can you park a bicycle?
The bike racks near the front door
What is the name of the class that has a kitchen in the room?
Life Skills
How many teacher workshop days are left this year?
What is the name of the class where you learn to use computers?
Computer Skills
How many Guidance Counselors are there at DMS?
Where is the flag?
On the flagpole, in the front
What is the name of the room at DMS with a stage?
The Renaissance Room
What is the date for the last day of school?
June 17th.
What subject deals with numbers?
How many classrooms are there in the 5th grade?
How many Little Free Library locations are there on our campus?
What are the names of the two levels in the cafeteria?
Brookside and Overlook.
When do morning announcements happen?
During homeroom
What is the best Related Arts class?
Tech Ed, of course!
How many Dean's are there at DMS?
Three. Dean Vail, Dean Dube and Mr. Dean.
What is the address of DMS?
16 Daley Drive