Omphalocele, strawberry skull, and rocker bottom feet are associated with what syndrome?
Edwards/Trisomy 18
internal carotids
The lateral ventricles drain into the 3rd ventricle through what?
Foramen of Monroe
A low pressure bleed located between the gestational sac and the myometrium is what?
subchorionic hemorrhage
A molar pregnancy would result in what lab to be dramatically elevated
Holoprocencephaly is associated with what syndrome?
Patau/Trisomy 13
An S/D ratio of 3.15 is considered normal (T or F)
The ligament that supports the cervix
Low lying previa measures how from the internal os?
less than 2cm
What test is performed in conjunction with the NT scan
Ectopic cordis is associated with what syndrome?
Pentalogy of Cantrell
anembrionic pregnancy
The normal cystic space in the posterior portion of a 10 week embryo
theca lutein cysts
The quad screen is made up of what 4 labs?
Estriol, Inhibin A, HCG, AFP
Downs/Trisomy 21
Splitting a fertilized egg at days 1-4 will produce what type of twins? Answer will address zygotic and chorion/amnion
The gestational sac should grow at what rate?
Patient presents with discordant twin growth and Poli/Oli sequence. What is happening?
When do we perform the Quad Screen (need the week range)
18 wks to 22wks
Which of the following syndromes is omphalocele associated with? (may be more than 1 answer)
Dandy Walker Trisomy 13
Trisomy 18 Turner's Syndrome
Down's Syndrome
DW, 13, 18, Turners
What landmarks should be present when measuring the HC
CSP, Thalami, Falx
Which of the following structures shunts blood away from the lungs?
Ductus arteriosus
Patient presents with an embryo with FHT below 90 bpm. What kind of AB is this?